Author Topic: My very first game!  (Read 12553 times)

I don't mean to criticise but isn't the yellow line a continuous double line instead of a single one?
There's both

I've only seen continuous double lines and one side continuous while the otherone dotted to indicate that you may pass a vehicle infront of you in routes. Never have I seen lines like the ones in Filipe's image.

Never have I seen lines like the ones in Filipe's image.

I've never seen a big red bouncy ball or a covered shelter in the middle of a lake you can drive on.

also i really like the bl cars and they kinda fit the style in my opinion
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 11:13:17 AM by F3d323 »

I've only seen continuous double lines and one side continuous while the otherone dotted to indicate that you may pass a vehicle infront of you in routes. Never have I seen lines like the ones in Filipe's image.
youre one of two people here that lives in argentina
there's other nations with their own road policy

roads are pretty universal tho
but yeah there are roads like in filipe's game here so iunno what pie is smoking

I'm not smoking anything. I haven't seen a single road like the ones in Filipe's game here. Donde los viste? Que calles? Que barrios? CABA o alguna ciudad cercana?

I'm not smoking anything. I haven't seen a single road like the ones in Filipe's game here. Donde los viste? Que calles? Que barrios? CABA o alguna ciudad cercana?
My game, my road rules lol

Why the spanish. though?

Because Fede and I are from the same country and we live in the same city. We never met though. All I did was ask him the name of said roads.

I really like the simplistic look of the game, you should keep it.

Oh, don't forget controller support and a first-person view. But that's for later. already can play with your controller, just change the inputs on the game launcher
Aw stuff, sweet
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 05:21:14 PM by AtlasBlue »

I really like the simplistic look of the game, you should keep it.

Oh, don't forget controller support and a first-person view. already can play with your controller, just change the inputs on the game launcher

I'm not smoking anything. I haven't seen a single road like the ones in Filipe's game here.

dashed lines in the middle of the street is for passing.

usually you seem white on multi-lane roads and highways and stuff but if there's no hazards then you can also have a yellow line, which just means traffic goes the opposite way

so you can legally drive in the opposite lane to pass someone

also filipe there's no way there would be dashed lines that close to an intersection.

make the cars deformable when they crash using this script i have
its called deform_for_me.js


Code: [Select]
alvar minForce = 1.0;
var multiplier = 0.1;
var deformRadius = 1.0;
var maxDeform = 0.0;
var bounceBackSpeed = 0.0;
var bounceBackSleepCap = 0.001;
var onCollision = true;
var onCall = true;
var updateCollider = false;
var updateColliderOnBounce = false;

private var mesh : Mesh;
mesh = GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh;

if (!GetComponent(MeshCollider)) {updateCollider = false;updateColliderOnBounceBack = false;}

private var permaVerts : Vector3[];
permaVerts = GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh.vertices;
private var sleep = true;
function OnCollisionEnter (collision : Collision) {
if (onCollision && collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude >= minForce) {
sleep = false;
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
tf = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
for (var i=0;i<vertices.length;i++) {
for (var contact in collision.contacts) {
point = tf.MultiplyPoint(contact.point);
vec = tf.MultiplyVector(collision.relativeVelocity*UsedMass(collision));
if ((point-vertices[i]).magnitude < deformRadius) {
vertices[i] += vec*(deformRadius-(point-vertices[i]).magnitude)/deformRadius*multiplier;
if (maxDeform > 0 && (vertices[i]-permaVerts[i]).magnitude > maxDeform) {
vertices[i] = permaVerts[i] + (vertices[i]-permaVerts[i]).normalized*maxDeform;

mesh.vertices = vertices;
   if (updateCollider) {GetComponent(MeshCollider).sharedMesh = mesh;}
function Deform(point : Vector3, direction : Vector3) {
if (onCall && direction.magnitude >= minForce) {
sleep = false;
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
tf = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
point = tf.MultiplyPoint(point);
vec = tf.MultiplyVector(direction);
for (var i=0;i<vertices.length;i++) {
if ((point-vertices[i]).magnitude <= deformRadius) {
vertices[i] += vec*(deformRadius-(point-vertices[i]).magnitude)/deformRadius*multiplier;
if (maxDeform > 0 && (vertices[i]-permaVerts[i]).magnitude > maxDeform) {
vertices[i] = permaVerts[i] + (vertices[i]-permaVerts[i]).normalized*maxDeform;
mesh.vertices = vertices;
   if (updateCollider) {GetComponent(MeshCollider).sharedMesh = mesh;}
function Update () {
if (!sleep && bounceBackSpeed > 0) {
sleep = true;
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
for (var i=0;i<vertices.length;i++) {
vertices[i] += (permaVerts[i] - vertices[i])*(Time.deltaTime*bounceBackSpeed);
if ((permaVerts[i]-vertices[i]).magnitude >= bounceBackSleepCap) {sleep = false;}
mesh.vertices = vertices;
   if (updateColliderOnBounce) {GetComponent(MeshCollider).sharedMesh = mesh;}
function UsedMass (collision : Collision) {
if (collision.rigidbody) {
if (rigidbody) {
if (collision.rigidbody.mass > rigidbody.mass) {
return (collision.rigidbody.mass);
else {
return (rigidbody.mass);
else {
return (collision.rigidbody.mass);
else if (rigidbody) {
return (rigidbody.mass);
else {return (1);}

make the cars deformable when they crash using this script i have
its called deform_for_me.js

Is this actually for Unity? Because I'm receiving compile errors which means that I can't use it.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 06:30:10 PM by Filipe »

This game looks neat. Downloaded.
EDIT: It's actually pretty good! I can also draw up a basic GUI in
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 07:01:57 PM by Mr Queeba »