Author Topic: Dear Society, Please Stop With the Race Card  (Read 8995 times)

In case any of you people still think institutional racism is a myth, check this link out. It has sources that is cited, so it is not made up bullstuff.

Yes, there was alot of racism back then and it was horrible, please give examples of institutional racism happening today

Last time I checked the only real racial issue is the fact that a bunch of minorities are stuck in the poverty cycle. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

Minorities are just as American as the rest of us; don't give people compensation because the idiots who happened to be white were grown up to hate minorities. Don't be all "im sory" to black people. They don't deserve it because 100% of the time none of the kids in highschool were never shackled by people who craved money.

All we have to do is work for the betterment of the people; don't shun white people or praise black people because of what happened in the past.
"And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future." -JFK

The article seems to imply that it's no longer happening. There's definitely no doubt that there was, but it seems everything listed in that article has come to pass.
Yes, there was alot of racism back then and it was horrible, please give examples of institutional racism happening today
i think the main thing is that the long-lasting effects are still in play

but we're at least trying to improve. a lot of effort has gone into making sure impoverished areas get better schooling, and that everyone is able to have the basic necessities of modern life in the short term so that they can improve their own standing in the long term, for both themselves and for their lineage

so you genuinely believe discrimination is over?

It certainly isn't over, but it isn't bad enough to warrant random acts of violence

same thing goes for every other minority in america

oh yay a 60-page pdf in small font

i may not be one to talk here but sarcasm has never helped a serious argument
It's because of posts like this
oh yay a 60-page pdf in small font
that I will not be taking this seriously. This dude is literally going to ignore this because it's too long. Then they'll continue to making multiple tribal posts and whine about how white privilege doesn't exist, and if you try to point out that it does, and/or call out a post for racism, you're called a dumb sjw or whatever.

Come to Australia. Nobody seriously pulls the race card here because the population is mostly loving Asian and Indian anyway.

Like this?

It usually helps to read the paper you're using as evidence, or at least just reading the abstract, because it literally says that the discrimination stems from poverty and being lowerclass. Of course the fact that "minorities" tend to be in poorer neighboorhoods does come from segregation and racism in the past, which needs to be fixed. But white guilt and special treatment doesnt help and the discrimination is not directly because of racism, but being poorrer

That was written almost 20 years ago

It's because of posts like thisthat I will not be taking this seriously. This dude is literally going to ignore this because it's too long. Then they'll continue to making multiple tribal posts and whine about how white privilege doesn't exist, and if you try to point out that it does, and/or call out a post for racism, you're called a dumb sjw or whatever.

oh ok i guess ill sit down for 3 hours and read some pdf that you probably didn't read more than 5% of just so i can get you not to call me a tribal or w/e buzzword of the day you want to pull up

This dude is literally
Then they'll continue to making multiple tribal posts and whine about how white privilege doesn't exist
and if you try to point out that it does, and/or call out a post for racism, you're called a dumb sjw or whatever.

tumblr infection detected

itt: white people complaining about how bad black people have it

i don't usually say this kinda stuff but this is typical sjw/tumblr user behavior lol

itt: white people complaining about how bad black people have it

i don't usually say this kinda stuff but this is typical sjw/tumblr user behavior lol