Author Topic: Dear Society, Please Stop With the Race Card  (Read 8992 times)

I don't know about you guys but I would definitely not call those people thugs, I'd call them criminals.

So in other words, all of those rioters were white
Not a single non-white person there at all
you really don't get the point
or you're intentionally being difficult. which is more likely

last year i was joking with a friend in yearbook class

they said "Your really pale" and I was like "nah man I'm 200% Nigerian"
and apparently this black girl behind me heard this
so she went ahead and filed a a report to the office that I was harassing her on the basis of her race
i didn't even know her name till I got called into the office. as soon as I explained it the school dropped it lol.

so rioting about racial issues makes you a thug...

rioting about racial issues makes you a thug indeed ,':^)

oh noez not a lot of black ppl in mooveez wut shal we doooooo?!?!?!?!?!? ;O
Thank you for your valuable input.

I'd love to be able to say racism isn't that bad these days, but I grew up in a mostly-white farming town in the midwest. Racism is extremely prevalent around my area, which upsets me greatly as I've met a lot of different people with different skin colors, every one of them being decent human beings with their own hopes and dreams.

Which is why all the white guilt stuff bothers me: not because I'm white, but because it's apparently easier to blame the majority of white people for racism instead of focusing on the real problem, which is ignorance.

Which is why all the white guilt stuff bothers me: not because I'm white, but because it's apparently easier to blame the majority of white people for racism instead of focusing on the real problem, which is ignorance.
well the real problem is racism. ignorance isn't even really related. I'm not sure there's anything tribal people don't know, that if they knew, would make them not tribal

I'm friendly to all races :D.

Seriously all I care is about how they act. Not how they look.

Which is why all the white guilt stuff bothers me: not because I'm white, but because it's apparently easier to blame the majority of white people for racism instead of focusing on the real problem, which is ignorance.
I don't want white people to feel guilty. I just want them to know.

well the real problem is racism. ignorance isn't even really related. I'm not sure there's anything tribal people don't know, that if they knew, would make them not tribal
well it's a kind ignorance towards humanity. if they understood how human beings actually work they likely wouldn't be tribal

I don't want white people to feel guilty. I just want them to know.
it's not about "x people," it's about people refusing to treat others as human beings and refusing to acknowledge universal constants of humanity. it doesn't matter if your skin is burned off your body, your mind can still be poisoned

you really don't get the point
or you're intentionally being difficult. which is more likely
I'm intentionally putting my opinion forth
The article obviously holds some sort of bias towards white people, despite having to ground to base their claims on
The protests have nothing to do with race, the writer is just trying to make it seem that way

That's actually a racial slur.

Im sure it is but I didn't use it that way

I bet you'll dismiss this
And this

It only shows the outcomes and not the causes/reasons behind it. Again, poorer neighborhoods usually have more 'minorities' due to past segregation.

forget it, I ran out of stuff to say

"People with low incomes frequently don’t have good legal representation or access to expert witnesses or investigations on their cases"

Same study

"People with low incomes frequently don't have good legal representation or access to expert witnesses or investigations on their cases,"

Nah, this is only from 2012. It certainly doesn't apply anymore!

So people of various races/ethnicities don't get the same screentime as each other? What horrible oppression!

Again, this is just looking at the surface of it. Like I keep saying, it has to do with class and past segregation

I'd love to be able to say racism isn't that bad these days, but I grew up in a mostly-white farming town in the midwest. Racism is extremely prevalent around my area, which upsets me greatly as I've met a lot of different people with different skin colors, every one of them being decent human beings with their own hopes and dreams.

Which is why all the white guilt stuff bothers me: not because I'm white, but because it's apparently easier to blame the majority of white people for racism instead of focusing on the real problem, which is ignorance.

This. I'm not saying racism doesnt exist, that would be a stupid statement to make. I'm saying that institutional racism has been abolished (with the exception of affirmative action of course) and the racial disparities have to do with past wrongs including segregation rather than racism

ITT: ladios and dudeman get smacked the forget down by a salad topping