Author Topic: ama  (Read 3007 times)

this trends getting annoying, nvm
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 11:28:07 PM by Nal »

why don't you hang out with me im like an hour north of you not even

is cret turning you into a weabo

Are you liking your new house?

Why do you dislike watercooling for computers?

why don't you hang out with me im like an hour north of you not even
I dunno, never thought about it
I was thinking of meeting acorncake but idk if he'd be up to it. one of his friends too, they both live like 20 minutes from me.
is cret turning you into a weabo
why is this a trend
i dunno, its fun
Are you liking your new house?
its decent, we're getting new carpets soon
Why do you dislike watercooling for computers?
I don't, I just think they're kinda gimmicky

why are you such a richard to people sometimes?

I was thinking of meeting acorncake but idk if he'd be up to it. one of his friends too, they both live like 20 minutes from me.

where the forget dos he live

where the forget dos he live
why are you such a richard to people sometimes?
idk, its a bad habit
I'm trying to improve though, kinda why i did an ama
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 08:19:06 PM by Nal »

its decent, we're getting new carpets soon
Oooh, you should get those really long and soft carpets that are super fun to walk barefoot on!

What state do you live in?

Have you ever thought about making a topic about one of your obsessions but decided not too because you were afraid?

Why does requestschannel hate you?