Author Topic: Do you believe in reincarnation?  (Read 3022 times)

eh, if i died it would probably be my preferred afterlife belief, mainly because i'd just like to live someone else's life. but i don't believe in it, nor do i want to be reincarnated as anything other than a human.

i would love for their to be a place after death where after you died you could become the god of a new universe.
now tht i think of it that may explain all the theories of alternate universes

"aww forget pig again? I really wanted to be a cat this time!"
^that would probably be me

Plot twist: Life is a game and 'reincarnation' is just respawning with a new character

No. Consciousness is merely a delusion your brain creates to make sense of the world. There's no need to "conserve" consciousness - it's just a result of matter. Besides, reincarnation is unsustainable. Where does the increase in population come from?

The death of other animals and extinction of species.

Yeah, the extinction of animals would open up a lot of souls for reincarnation.

Also, there could be infinite souls, or more that are produced, and they wait in turn for the right body to be born for them inhabit.
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily mean that the moment you die you're reborn elsewhere.

Lets not forget, plants, bacteria, fungus, etc are living beings and one of the characteristics of living beings are responses making them conscious of upcomming attacks or hostile environments. Maybe they have souls as well and considering this vegan bullstuff, there are many more souls than bodies to inhabitat increasing their market value due to the lack of offers and the big amount of demand so us humans are worth quite a lot.

Yeah, the extinction of animals would open up a lot of souls for reincarnation.

Also, there could be infinite souls, or more that are produced, and they wait in turn for the right body to be born for them inhabit.
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily mean that the moment you die you're reborn elsewhere.

Contraceptives must make for some long wait lines.

But you're assuming souls even exist. They're just a consequence of the brain, and so many life forms wouldn't have a consciousness. And if souls do exist (despite lack of evidence), you're assuming all souls are equal.

If there's no soul then what exactly is being reincarnated, since we're talking about the hypothetical situation in which reincarnation exists.

If your soul doesn't survive, your memories don't survive, your body doesn't survive, then what about you is reincarnated?

If we have no memories or knowledge we can keep. Then the existence of reincarnation is completely irrelevant. It's not essentially us that move on then.

oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddd
fine im changing the OP

If we have no memories or knowledge we can keep. Then the existence of reincarnation is completely irrelevant. It's not essentially us that move on then.
Without a religious connotation to it, it is meaningless, yeah.

But if you believe in say, Hindu/Buddhist Reincarnation/Rebirth, then while you might not bring your memories or knowledge along into your next life, you still bring your soul/karma.

So, your actions in your current life (and previous lives which you can't remember) impact on the events in your current life/next life.
So a bad person might be reincarnated into a lesser animal, or be reborn into a person who suffers a cruel life of disease and illness or tragic death.

There's a documentary I watched a year ago, where an Anglican priest travels meeting people and their beliefs on the afterlife. And he meets a lot of people in Indonesia and the surrounding areas who suffered in the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, and their beliefs on reincarnation/rebirth, and how they cope with the idea that their God(s) let this event happen to them.
But I'm having difficulty finding it. If I do, I'll send you a link. It's pretty interesting.