Author Topic: gatysh, freek, tc, mw, darksaber2213, nixill, molten, slayer, nal - AMA threads  (Read 5363 times)

the day has finally come where blockzillahead got serious and hot damn it is interesting

what happened to not giving a forget about anything blockzillahead?

what happened to not giving a forget about anything blockzillahead?
nothing happened because it never took place otherwise my ass would've been gone long ago due to a perma ban for being too cool for the internet, but alas I'm not that cool and my brain is developed enough to keep under the radar and fit in. I just don't care about what people think of me because I've developed a life jacket ego to keep me afloat but at the same time kept it small enough not to suffocate. I'm a natural

Why NiXiLL? He's a cutie

nothing happened because it never took place otherwise my ass would've been gone long ago due to a perma ban for being too cool for the internet, but alas I'm not that cool and my brain is developed enough to keep under the radar and fit in. I just don't care about what people think of me because I've developed a life jacket ego to keep me afloat but at the same time kept it small enough not to suffocate. I'm a natural

are you okay dude

are you okay dude
blockzilla has a split personality which can be determined based on his current avatar

I'm just happy my AMA lasted the longest with double-post bumping :cookieMonster:

i want a ama thread
can this be it
ask me!! :iceCream: :iceCream:

guys ama about myself because i'm cool

i want a ama thread
can this be it
ask me!! :iceCream: :iceCream:
guys ama about myself because i'm cool
question to both of you

have you two stopped beating your wives?

my waifu was brutally murdered by my divine rooster. rip bby

blockzilla has a split personality which can be determined based on his current avatar
That... seems amazingly correct.


oh come on
mine lasted less than a day along with most of the AMA's
they're interesting and useful because they let BLF become a stronger community solely because everyone gets to know each other better
it's not as if the AMA's are taking up the entire front page, they are scatter through OT fairly. you searched "AMA" using the search tool or did something similiar without actually seeing all of the AMA's, be honest.
it would be an issue if these AMA's were to flood the entire front page of OT, but, again, they do not.
if you're going to incriminate someone for doing something most of the community has already done, drama all of those threads consisting of one image, video link, or something of that matter.
Admittedly, AMA threads weren't quite successfull, but they still gave us something to do to combat boredom. We browse these forums and what-not to also combat boredom. AMA threads are perfect for doing this because we experience surprising answers, and the freedom to ask someone whatever we feel like asking. If you dislike what the majority of the community is doing, try to ignore it. Most of the time, such as now, it dies down at a significantly fast rate.
This drama was completely unnecessary, and while AMA threads may seem stupid to you, they seem interesting to us. Consider the opinions of others before posting a drama. If you think most
of the community is going to also dislike something along with you, post that drama. In this case, that did not occur, therefore this drama isnt the greatest drama to exist.