Author Topic: World of Warcraft Megathread v2: World of Warcraft: Legion?!?!?!  (Read 9863 times)

Oh yeah, my friend is a complete dumbass. so him and our mutual friend got banned for 6 months, for using bots along with thousands of other people, even though my other friend used it for like 30 minutes.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 04:28:15 PM by ButlerBlockhead125 »

i want a new xpac
We're just starting the xpacs second tier next week lol

im just not interested in this one and i've seen pretty much what 6.2 has to offer, i want something with the 3rd old god or azshara or something

im just not interested in this one and i've seen pretty much what 6.2 has to offer, i want something with the 3rd old god or azshara or something
which old god are you referring to since we've seen c'thun, yogg'saron, and y'shaarj (albeit not directly, rather in a weaponized form through garrosh)

i have a friend who offered to buy me all the expansions if i played WoW with him but i haven't really opinionated myself with these types of games yet so should i do it

which old god are you referring to since we've seen c'thun, yogg'saron, and y'shaarj (albeit not directly, rather in a weaponized form through garrosh)
i have a friend who offered to buy me all the expansions if i played WoW with him but i haven't really opinionated myself with these types of games yet so should i do it
do it

ahh okay
im interested in that as well in that case but i wanna see where the legion comes in soon
i have a friend who offered to buy me all the expansions if i played WoW with him but i haven't really opinionated myself with these types of games yet so should i do it
dont rush through you should take your time and if you want to explore something and youre working on a quest or something then feel free to run off and see what that part of the world has to offer
it's a big world and the game is much more fun if you dont worry about being optimal and fast and rather just enjoy it
also read quest text sometimes its handicapped and sometimes itll help you out

i have a friend who offered to buy me all the expansions if i played WoW with him but i haven't really opinionated myself with these types of games yet so should i do it
Play the trial
It's not fully representative of the full game (full game is much more featured) but it'll give you an idea

how are ya guys liking 6.2
not at all because im in florida playing on a stuffty laptop not raiding HFC :C

how are ya guys liking 6.2
updated now that ive done one whole boss in HFC
loving hate tyrant. that boss is handicapped

Tried it once.... liked it, cant stop, help, HALP!!!! :panda: :cookie: :panda: :cookie: :nes: