Author Topic: The user known as Zanaran2  (Read 28427 times)

Victim syndrome:
then how are you okay with all those other people saying it (even today) and it's suddenly bad with- oh.
people say "problem user" on this forum all the time

you're scraping the barrel so hard you bore a hole in it
then I'll be mocked for having hurt feelings.

for forgets sake, I'll stop when he stops.
how the forget am I trolling? i never threw the first punch in any of the fights at all. it was always alt.
can you please stop trying to start stuff with me? i understand mommy didn't give you your special gift this morning, don't take it out on me

and if you want to turn this into mentioning irrelevant stuff to look like the good guy, let me start with when you got pissed at me for simply mentioning your name in a thread.

it's also kinda funny how you always appear in every thread I post in. find another dude to pester, please
why don't you scream at the 5 other people telling alten to leave?

"I don't know how to respond to your argument so I'm just gonna throw a '' knockoff at you" syndrome:

what you're saying is essentially "NO U"

The doc is in with Zanaran2's diagnosis.

Patient seems to have no responsibility about what he says, blames others for being an ass when he is 100% at fault, and posts little to no memes.


Everyone brace for the 30-page argument!

*prematurely pops popcorn*

Let's bury our heads in the sand like ostriches and let this all blow over.

To be fair, you do provoke him a lot from what I've seen

To be fair, you do provoke him a lot from what I've seen

To be fair, zanaran could also just not respond


To be fair, zanaran could also just not respond

Yeah, Thats what I would suggest to him too.

theres something about this gif that's beautiful

just ban them both since they're both part of the problem. that's fair right?