Author Topic: Dynamic SlashCommandGui  (Read 1080 times)

I think of a simple Gui for / commands, that also allows keybinding of commands.

 - It should be able to request command lists from the server.
(Requesting them after the login, this is a simple thing to do)

 - It should be able to hide or show commands depending on the status on the server.
(The required rights should be in the serverside and clientside list, the serverside list should have a higher priority.)

 - ToggleCommands should have a checkbox.

 - SwitchCommands could have a list of parameters.
(Maybe a userlist with a dropbox or a editbox with autocompletition)

 - There should be a text file allowing to easily add commands to the gui so that it is compatible to older scripts using slash commands.

I really like this idea and think it must be done.

I could make one that just lets you bind /cmds to a key...(too lazy to do the other crap)

Torque needs moar "bind (key) (command)" like steam, valve, lolz

Torque needs moar "bind (key) (command)" like steam, valve, Source Engine games lolz

I see one major flaw with this idea.
How would the system know whether a /cmd is a toggle, a switch, or a player-name-based one?

This is a simple thing.

1 case: The Add-On that created the command is compatible to the system and the system just has too look it up (can be saved in a file or a variable)
2 case: The Type of command is beeing send by the server you joined, directly to the system (The system should just ask for commands and get a list with attributes, descriptions etc.)
3 case: The system just grabs the information from a user created text file that you may edit yourself etc.

Well, this was already stated in my first post, and if you would think about it, there wouldn't be a problem anyways.

I don't think it's possible to get a server's functions, only your own.

It absolutely is possible, the server just needs a the same add-on as the client.

Torque needs moar "bind (key) (command)" like steam, valve, lolz
movemap.bindcmd("device","key","command when pressed","command when released");


movemap.bindcmd("keyboard","ctrl a","commandtoserver('messagesent',\"Hello\");","");