
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 243026 times)

russia immediately regrets declaring war on argentina due to its weak army and calls off the war
sights are set on belarus
4,000 troops are being trained to make up for the other ones killed in afghanistan

Italy has nothing important to do at the moment as they are more civilized than these cannibals. They discuss tastes of wine and what should be the national pasta.

Also unimportant but Italy has decided to keep a close eye on Russia after hearing of the little event with Argentina

nonnel use these maps:

you can edit it how you please, i took out most of the stuff going on in chechnya

The countries have too many subdivisions, damn it!

After the old flag was burned down, this one is raised in the obelisc.

Most of the citizens calmed down. Hospitals, schools and police stations are now functioning normally. Jails are overcrowded, however due to the massive arrests done during the riots. Known drugdealers have been given the chance to leave the country or stay and abandon the drug dealing line of work.

Jails have turned into revolting doors. Most laws are in effect again. Police supression laws are on hold.

russia decides to help afghanistan again and deploys troops in afghanistan
russia notices argentina has become more stable and offers to start trade again
russia starts production of 10 more tanks and begins to train the current ones

i'm off to bed
don't blow up my country
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 10:52:32 PM by The GI of MA »

america says:
"why do you have the soviet emblem in your... *itches* flag..."
*america shakily puts on a suit and glasses, dusting it off*
"d-damn COMMIES"

also might I add:
russia you can't just undeclare war and act like nothing happened
in this case it isn't you to snap your fingers either, pie. you can't just change your government to communism and make everyone happy happy good cheers
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 10:56:48 PM by Swat 3 »

Argentina's UN representative stands up, straightens tie and says "forget you!"
UN peacekeepers leave Argentina.

Are we allowed to do private stuff in this?

Silent alliances and deals?
Of course
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 11:03:56 PM by Nonnel »

Iran I understand you may not have seen my request for an alliance
but as you can see Iran into some difficulties getting it through to you

Iran I understand you may not have seen my request for an alliance
but as you can see Iran into some difficulties getting it through to you

Iran I understand you may not have seen my request for an alliance
but as you can see Iran into some difficulties getting it through to you

iran please help me kill the taliban

iran sends over more money and munitions

USA requests an alliance with Great Britain (outside of NATO).
sure thing friend

america says:
you can't just change your government to communism and make everyone happy happy good cheers
I didn't. I was always a communist country. I changed the flag and everyone isn't "happy happy joy joy". Things are beggining to settle down. Jails are still severly overcrowded and citizens are still rioting but much much less violently. If everything was good, I wouldn't have stated the hold of police supression laws.

Italy sends an alliance request to Germany to be able to defend itself if Argentina mobilizes its armies.


germany denounces commies