
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 242414 times)

we would all make the greatest presidents of our countries

I return, as great Cameroon.

Cameroon immediately consults the majority of african countries nearby, stating that the world is changing rapidly and in order to preserve their cultures and history the best course of action would to unify under a sole banner, with Cameroon proposing that her nearby african countries unify under The Most Serene Plutocratic Republic of Africa. This offer is also extended to any and all african countries that would like to join.

Meanwhile Cameroon nibbles on its poutine and watches the world unravel around itself.
The members of COAAAF oblige, but no one else. Also, that makes three big African countries with Africa in their name.

Australia let your citizens have open borders or else I'm going on a crocodile hunt

we would all make the greatest presidents of our countries
some would be doing the right thing for their countries and others would be Flash Mobing lunatics?
sounds about right

Australia let your citizens have open borders or else I'm going on a crocodile hunt
excuse me im just trying to make my citizens happy by not allowing them to go to stuffty bombed out cities
plus japan is worse than a bombed out city

do it or I take away New Zealand

excuse me im just trying to make my citizens happy by not allowing them to go to stuffty bombed out cities
plus japan is worse than a bombed out city

first you leave IP now you insult MY friends


first you leave IP now you insult MY friends
what friends
do it or I take away New Zealand
wow ur such a warmonger
do u kiss ur moma with that gun

Australia why are you being so mean
stop it

Aussie intranet is up and running, if anyone cares.

Australia why are you being so mean
stop it
they're threatening me!!!
anyways ive had a change in heart
borders are now open to everywhere but not japancigarette or germancigarette
Aussie intranet is up and running, if anyone cares.
thanks brosef

i would love to see a polandball comic of this topic

also what the forget we have 438 pages i thought htis was only like 75

holy loving stuff that's a lot of pages