
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 271817 times)

oh jeez usa really did take it

oh jeez usa really did take it
US of Asia I believe
this is loving confusing
junc fix it you forget

also encompassing so many cultures, especially in the middle east AND near pakistan AND the various tensions in china, is a surefire way to be politically unstable. good luck, though, my ally :)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 05:37:35 PM by TristanLuigi »

gay station tit orange. GSTO. (nice comeback)

Five reports of drive-bys on Ottoman highways. Witnesses report AK-47s appearing out of cars as innocent citizens veer off the road. 11 dead. 2 injured.

turkey sends a team of 500 men to raid the fallujah base

any captured CIA men are told to fight for the turkish army and be well fed and nurtured, or be executed

oh jeez usa really did take it


some CIA fighters start short lived firefights with the Turkish men, giving their lives for their god

the others run to the building and set off explosive vests and munitions when the first Turkish team enters the building

salaam brothers

the remaining ones exit the building and attack helicopters come to raze it, they also target CIA men on the ground making a run for it

no CIA men ran

they all blew up

One CIA troop surrenders to the invading Ottoman force. Through CIA explosive vests and the Turkish attack helicopters, 63 Turkish troops and 92 CIA troops are killed.
The building is leveled.

CIA glorifies the attack and the Turkish forces killed

dead CIA troops are portrayed as martyrs

an CIA spokesperson promises retaliation for the ill-fated attack

The military tests radar-scrambling nanobots that can be dispersed from missiles or the craft itself, they are designed to disperse within several hours but scatter communication and radar signals during this time period.

would this not scramble your own devices too