
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 243082 times)

we'll open up to russia if russia doesn't let the un in
russia agrees to this, starts trade negotiations with austrailia, and cuts off all ties with the un
Argentina would like to begin trade relations with Russia. Interested in oil and belic merchandise. Offers meat, fish, soy and bio-diesel.
russia agrees to these and starts manufacturing ships to transport the goods

Bombing occurs in Rome near the capital building. No fatalities reported but many were sent to hospital. Dictator retreats to a more disclosed location.

Argentina offers medical aid for Rome's injured.

We also began trenching Buenos Aires to install optic fibers for internets.

russia agrees to this, starts trade negotiations with austrailia, and cuts off all ties with the un

deal. boomerangs for vodka.

australia will let the commonwealth in if they give the entitled douchebags rioting free stuff to make them stop rioting

australia knows killing the rioters will probably just make them angrier
the commonwealth makes it clear that they are on the citizens side

UN Peacekeepers are sent into Italy

the commonwealth makes it clear that they are on the citizens side

hence why australia will let them in if they give the citizens free stuff so they stop being so pissed

Argentina offers Australia corn in exchange of kangaroos to be yiffed used for sport.

Argentina offers Australia corn in exchange of kangaroos to be yiffed used for sport.

deal if you also sign a non aggression pact

The Non-Aggression pact includes Australia and a 50KM radius of its territory. No other commonwealth country is included in this pact nor should it be broken by either side before a year of its signing.

x Argentina

hence why australia will let them in if they give the citizens free stuff so they stop being so pissed
the commonwealth will gladly take refugee rioters from australia to commonwealth countries

deal. boomerangs for vodka.
russia accepts and makes more jobs for alcohol producing, opening up 9,000 jobs
russian scientists begin experimenting with the boomerangs
10 prototype tanks are made and succeed in tests, 200 more are expected for completion by the end of this year
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 09:49:41 PM by The GI of MA »


allies: none
economy: idk

with the new year germany decides to legalise nationalism

The United States supplies troops and money for the UN efforts in Italy.

The United States is very pleased that Russia, a security council member, won't rooster block them anymore.
They urge UN intervention in the Australian totalitarian stuffstorm, which, mind you, violates multiple UN laws and even basic human rights.

Since Australia's case is even more severe than Italy's, America is considering taking action.

The president makes an announcement.
"wtf is this dictator bullstuff i thought we were entering the 21th century"
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 09:51:10 PM by Swat 3 »

russia asks germany to make peace and trading routes

Argentina summary:
Russia - Imports: Oil and Belic Merchandise. Exports: Meat, Soy, Biodiesel and fish.
Australia - Imports: Kangaroos. Exports: Corn.

Not currently at war.

Population: 40.000.000
Of which 1.300.000 are millitary units.
30.000 of those Millitary Units are naval troops, 600.000 are ground troops, 700 are air troops and the rest are federal police force.

Currently accepting immigrants from any country. Offering Italy medical aid for their recent bombardments.

Current legal coin: Argentine Pesos.

President: Juan Domingo Peron.

Standing by, awaiting US' action against Australia.