Author Topic: blockland id authentication error  (Read 2678 times)

every time i join a server it disconects my with the text server could not verify your blockland id

and i just get this game on steam (i had it before) and i cannot join any server pls help

What's your key I'll try

Try re-installing the game, and if the problem persists, contact Badspot.

dosent work tried 2 times

Are you using satellite or mobile internet?

I get this thing called Sqlite error and when i delete cache it still does not work

Found your problem. The game does not work well with mobile or satellite internet. Try going to and tell results.

Also, if your using a laptop and you close it without shutting it down... the authentication will fail unless you restart.

yes im using a laptop and i already tried that dosent work

yes im using a laptop and i already tried that dosent work
Found your problem. The game does not work well with mobile or satellite internet. Try going to and tell results.

the link dosent work

Then you cannot connect to the authorizing server, so as it stands you're out of luck. You'll need a new way to get internet to your laptop if you wish to play.