Author Topic: Police Work - An Arma 3 Adventure  (Read 3417 times)

pop his tires

"Sir are you aware your front left tire is popped?"

"... 'cause it is now"

As you go back to your car to write him a ticket, he takes off into the night.

You put on your perp-chasing helmet and take your carbine of justice from the trunk
What do?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 12:58:52 PM by Dreams_Of_Cheese »

request a police blockade a few miles ahead of him

request a police blockade a few miles ahead of him

You radio for a road-block a few miles ahead. They ask you what for. You assure them that it is very important we catch this perp. He need to get his ticket, damnit.

You post out a a few hundred meters ahead of the roadblock and wait for the offroad to drive by. Suddenly, it speeds past and you start the engine.

You hit the gas and ram into the rear right tire, flipping yourself in the process. You truly are a stuffty officer.

You eject from the vehicle and spray into the truck. Who are those guys in the back?

Woah you actually hit the driver. And his passengers are armed!!

You spray wildly into the small group and they fall dead in the street. You slam a new magazine home and push towards the car.

Suddenly, loving Dale runs up and tells you to "stop shooting, for forgets sake!" Apparently they already found the guy. You examine the driver and find that, yes, this was the wrong dude. Whoops.

But at least we got the insurgents, right? We should probably get some information on those chumps we just shot.

Get intel on the terrorists

shoot them
Sorry homie, but they look pretty dead and you want to save your ammo for other terrorists

Get intel on the terrorists
You feel up the drivers body and find a note in his AltisTM Government Issued Polo pocket.

Call the police chief and try to get intel on the terrorists

If all else fails attempt to convert Altis into a Monarchy so there is no Democracy to destroy

convert Altis into a Monarchy dictatorship so there is no Democracy to destroy

Sue them for ripping the front end from an Audi Q7 to build their own truck.

Call the police chief and try to get intel on the terrorists

If all else fails attempt to convert Altis into a Monarchy so there is no Democracy to destroy

You drive up to the police station for an audience with the chief. There's a small group of reporters outside the building. You open the window and overhear some hippy bullstuff about overuse of deadly force on innocent people. You shrug it off and walk past them to the impound lot.

You ticket the dead driver's vehicle for copyright infringement. There is no box to check for that though, so you scribble it in and place it on the windshield.

You go over the evidence table beside the car. Whats that thing on the floor?

Huh. It's a packet of powdered milk. You pocket it, but you aren't wholly sure why.

You walk inside the building, but the police chief wont talk to you before you can clear out these reporters. They have a habit of recording the police, and we don't want them knowing anything confidential about these rebels.

Preferably you would do this non-lethally. Checking your inventory, you have a pair of flashbangs and several pairs of handcuffs, but you suspect the chief wont mind too much if there reporters wound up disappearing forever somehow.


have you been importing food from dayz

i'd recognize that cereal box, dried milk and canteen anywhere

forget that fire extinguisher might be dayZ too
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 03:15:10 PM by Juncoph »

Flashbang reporters, smack them all with the gun to stun them even more and hope it doesn't crack their skulls

Handcuff them all

do that but arrest yourself too