Author Topic: blockland nostalgia  (Read 2521 times)

blockland really needs that 'badspot's block party" again
or maybe not badspot's but anyone elses
discuss other extremely good servers that make you cry thinking about them
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 11:41:00 AM by }]Crazy[{ »

what is a blockparty anyway?

gamefandan's monster rpg
dUMBELL's rpg (nobody probably knows about this)
moppy's city rpg (best city rpg)
pload's jail escape (best cooperative experience)
bushido when he hosted tt1 and unreleased tt2
heed's colony rp / prpg
kalph's dogfight (some guy got himself and his 11 alts banned the first day I played)
jirue's default ruins
solid's dungeon

I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but I literally played for hours and hours and hours on my/ my clan's servers. So fun - whether it was D-Day, a random building server, the dogfight, etc. So many fond memories.

I also think of the first servers I ever joined and made, and it is so weird. I was 12, and it was a completely different time. Just wow; it was so simple back then and just ah. The lack of knowledge of the future and the game, and the lack of corruption from the internet, lol.

I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but
My own servers
Seriously I used to host them all the time and most of them were some of my funnest moments on this game
I've never had like a favorite server apart from my own that I miss, most of the ones I join are like 1-2 day things

I think back then, Blockland had a smaller community, and there were less players and less servers (thus the ratio of players to servers was a higher), many more players entered other servers. Unlike now, were everyone enters the highest player count server.

But man, there were a lot of good servers back then.

Waldo's Farming Server
Bushido's Block Bastion
The Scattered Space Servers (DM, TDM)
Slopes Freebuild
Bedroom Freebuild

The last two don't have any specific owner but there was always something at those.

Jorgur's medieval RPG

Red Guy's Mining back in it's golden times.