Author Topic: Default Player type  (Read 1202 times)

Some kind of setting that allows the player to choose what playertype other players will be instead of the standard player, for stuff like setting the default player to the beta playertype addon for those beta memory stuff

that's what minigames are for
why don't you want to use a minigame though?

for outside of a minigame someone uploaded an automatic no jet playertype that applies to everyone in the server; used when badspot hosted Halloween block party

for outside of a minigame someone uploaded an automatic no jet playertype that applies to everyone in the server; used when badspot hosted Halloween block party
Pretty sure that Badspot just modified default playtype so that it can't jet.

pretty sure slayer has this built in with it's minigame system

that's what minigames are for
why don't you want to use a minigame though?

So people can create their own minigames but are still forced to use the default player

So people can create their own minigames but are still forced to use the default player
Soo... This would require breaking the default minigame system and Slayer.

Soo... This would require breaking the default minigame system and Slayer.
Ayyeee look at this broken function

This is what you want, so here's the code
package BreakEverything
   function Player::SetDatablock(%player,%newData)
      if(%newData == nameToID(DatablockNameHere))
         return Parent::SetDatablock(%player,%newData);   

   function Player::ChangeDatablock(%player,%newData)
      if(%newData == nameToID(DatablockNameHere))
         return Parent::ChangeDatablock(%player,%newData);