Author Topic: Ravencroft Wallhacking  (Read 12461 times)

sort of expected this out of him

I believe my bae is innocent

but guilty of being ridiculously lovey ;)

I believe my bae is innocent

but guilty of being ridiculously lovey ;)
tenshi pls no

I don't see how this incriminates him of wall hacking, however. I also would think it would be common sense for one to know a person was there after a fired rocket. Who knows, though?

I don't see how this incriminates him of wall hacking, however. I also would think it would be common sense for one to know a person was there after a fired rocket. Who knows, though?
did you even read the op

I don't see how this incriminates him of wall hacking, however. I also would think it would be common sense for one to know a person was there after a fired rocket. Who knows, though?

did you even
Do you even?
Did you even
are you

Do you guys even?

Did you not see that Rave shot right as Skill moved? Like; seriously??? You guys really can't realize that?
did you even read my reply past the first word?

I have never seen ravencroft do something like this.
OT: nice music

did you even read my reply past the first word?

it's extremely unlikely that ravencroft's shooting is just coincidence.

it's extremely unlikely that ravencroft's shooting is just coincidence.
i see why youd think that because of the precision and ravens view but really theres nothing more to it than just coincidence only because there are no more hacks and there isnt a secret underground hack dealing ring happening either. maybe he has an edited version of that mirror addon that you can see behind you and he made it to look in all directions and saw skill above him. thats more plausible than wallhacking but unless someone comes forward and confirms the existence of a new wallhack then this mysterious case remains a coincidence.

because there are no more hacks and there isnt a secret underground hack dealing ring happening either.
Well okay if you say so, inspector. Everybody, go home, wallhacks can't exist because Blockzillahead doesn't know about them.

Well okay if you say so, inspector. Everybody, go home, wallhacks can't exist because Blockzillahead doesn't know about them.
apparently no one else knows about them either

...because there are no more hacks

I didn't take the picture, but the hacks still work.