
Do you like Motion Blur?


Author Topic: Do you like Motion Blur?  (Read 1207 times)

in moderation, when used properly and effectively

otherwise it can look weird and out of place and take away a degree of 'realism' or w/e you want to call it when it's supposed to add it

motion blur is pretty much bad unless it's for videos or a game where the primary aspect of the game is visuals and looking pretty
i want to see clearly in my games

the only motion blur i haven't hated is probably the blur at the bottom of the screen when on a vehicle in saints row 3 and 4

I usually don't like the blur but as ^ said I agree

also got killing floor recently, using a chainsaw in a blur storm is quite fun

only places I've seen where I like it

i like blur in certian situations (etc. show speed in a car)

but motion blur, especially in FPS games bothers me too much

motion blur is the bastard technology that only exists to help hide stuffty low fps.
thats its only purpose. a real man should not need it.

I like motion blur in some racing games to give a good sense of speed, but also still giving you clear sight of important objects like other cars and yourself for example. The early 2000's NFS games are a good example of this. On other games, I rather not have it unless if it's for a video or something.

man final fantasy type 0 hd is very aggressive with it's motion blurs it feels super unnecessary i'm just walking from one town to another!

No because it only gives the illusion of good fps with everything else being a stuttery loving mess. It's a cop out by devs instead of actually optimizing their game imo.