Author Topic: Duping door events glitch. Help.  (Read 528 times)

I've had this glitch for a while I think it's pretty well known but when ever I seem to load my save the events for all my doors seem to dup or if I deleted the events the events come back.

I'm just wondering if I have a broken mod or some sort.
If you know the problem please tell me how to fix it.


« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 07:28:04 PM by A_TEE »

Yeah, I ran into this problem on your server. It is probably a bad, or outdated version of jvs. My guess is that being the default events of a door are given when placed, if you load bricks they will be reapplied. Best bet is to get a different version of jvs. Also, remove that stuffty chat mod from your server. The one with colors and such.

The general rule of thumb is if you put "help" in the topic title, it usually belongs in the help section.