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Author Topic: ▃ ▇ ▅ ▃ Ravencroft and Whirlwind's Falling Tiles ▇ ▅ ▇ ▅  (Read 21348 times)

4/25/15: The music has been looped and we added a hat shop with over 50 hats in it. Hats can be bought with the points you earn by playing Falling Tiles or by completing certain quests to earn special hats. The server should be open public around the middle of May.

Woha! *Returning to Blockland*

Bump because I don't know. Whirl and I are busy with school right now so no real progress has been made the past week. I go home from college next Tuesday so I'll have more time to play.

Gonna be having one last testing session around 9pm est tonight. Post in this topic or pm me and I'll send you the password.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 12:30:31 AM by #Ravencroft »

Can I have the pass for when it's up?  Not sure if it's up right now as I'm not on blockland.

gonna have the testing soon, it's gonna be open public

33 people and no bugs so far

I wanted to do homework, but I guess I am not anymore, lol.

FT is still pretty fun, it went up to 46 players at one point. Hopefully all of the bugs can get ironed out!

Not a bad night even with all the bugs, 46 people was the most we had. Whirl and I will work on some issues over the week and have the server up again by the weekend.