Author Topic: [VIDEO] car  (Read 1290 times)

lol i saw that face turn into a female's

lol i saw that face turn into a female's
i saw that ninja edit :)

oh my lord
What did you use to animate the faces?
It looks like you used an animation program lol

What did you use to animate the faces?

everything's edited in motion 5

Soundeffects could've been a tad better but that's me being picky.


Kofiko and the Hot Air Balloon is all that came up for me when I hit play... wtf.

I allways use hitfilm pro for my editing

whoa is that 8BITCUBE??????!!!

a nice high quality, short, funny video...lovely.

The only thing I didn't like was the ending. I know it was meant to be that way but it felt too drawn out. It should have stayed with the momentum and movement of the rest of the video, which is quick and snappy movements. Something like a dramatic zoom-in on the word, "didn't" and a really deep, dramatic voice would've been good.