Author Topic: [Script] Build Tool Commands v2  (Read 2575 times)

Build Tool Commands
Version 2

Adds some helpful commands for building


The side by side commands function exactly the same
/giveAll or /addAll will give you the Hammer, Wrench, and Printer

the mod also comes with client key binds for mounting items which are placed under the Tools / Inventory division in the keybind menu

1.5 kb
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 08:39:30 PM by Swollow »

thank uuu

are these admin only?

thank uuu

are these admin only?
in minigames they are admin only
out of minigames they can be used by anyone

in minigames they are admin only
out of minigames they can be used by anyone

do you want love now or later

in minigames they are super admin only
out of minigames they can be used by anyone

This is really amazing. Like... Really... Amazing. I'd say add deletion launcher, for when players need a mod like this, but are building a floating map with hackplant and what not. But otherwise, amazing