Author Topic: Pecon7's Fortwars - SeventhSandwich & Malvhi135  (Read 7474 times)

I got on Pecon7's Fort Wars tonight to build a cool base and fight. What is especially nice about his fortwars is that there is a dedicated and functional builder-protection system, which allows players to build, or participate in combat, but they aren't able to do both at the same time.

Anyways, I was building a really nice base for about 2 hours undisturbed, until suddenly SeventhSandwich showed up and started harassing me inside my base with a duplorcator wand. I asked him politely to leave on server chat but he ignored me. So, I wrenched a block on the floor where he was standing for a while, wanding the wall, and used events to make him respawn back at the main server spawn spot. However this did not deter him as he immediately came back to my base and began wanding everything again. Sadly, there was no way to really keep him out of my base without locking myself in, as the server had no useable player restriction events for blocks. It did have the default key mod, but it was admin-only.

I then asked him on Steam chat to leave my base, but he again ignored me, and continued to wandspam inside my base. He generally just wasted his time on the server, abstaining from play so he could troll and just screw around in my base, even though he knew he was not welcome. I couldn't kill him either, as he stayed in builder mode in order to take advantage of the invulnerability. There were no admins online either.

Soon I also had a new problem: "Malvhi135", who built a "base" consisting of nothing but a 32x32 baseplate, a vehicle spawn, and a block for item spawns, right next to my base. He started ramming fighter jets into my base in order to break through the base's armored walls, so he could spawncamp me with an RPG-7.
Meanwhile, Seventh got a little bored of wanding, so he went outside my base and started building some sort of contraption next to my launch runway. That's the only productive thing he contributed to the server during this entire time. He did not bother to build a base, and evidently only joined the server to annoy me.

Eventually, Ipquarx finally got on (he was an admin), and I explained to him the problem. However, all he did was once gently ask Seventh to leave my base alone, which Seventh ignored and continued wanding inside. I told him about Malvhi135, but he did nothing to stop him while I was online. Eventually I just left the server, and now I'm here sharing this miserable experience. So yeah, these two guys are people that are not interested in playing the game, but rather just annoying people and doing nothing productive for the server. I'm especially disappointed with how Ipquarx did practically nothing to stop what was going on besides a warning to Seventh, which he ignored and went unpunished for it.

Gee, what a server. Come on Pecon, you can do better than this.

Perhaps Ipquarx had no evidence to ban/kick anyone

Perhaps Ipquarx had no evidence to ban/kick anyone
There was no need for evidence, it was actively happening so he could witness it when he got on. I told him what was happening, he could've easily spied malvhi, but yet nothing got done.

Perhaps Ipquarx had no evidence to ban/kick anyone
he certainly does now

Seventh can be a jackass in video games sometimes, but that's no excuse.

If only I can get on and terminate this issue

ipq is dum lol

so are these guys

I had asked him to leave and I never heard back from you whether or not he had stopped, so I had no idea he was continuing to do it. Apologies, but I had no idea. I can put on a ban tomorrow or another admin can in the meanwhile.

why didn't you lock yourself in though. it's a pretty effective temporary solution - provided you were doing interior stuff.

why didn't you lock yourself in though. it's a pretty effective temporary solution - provided you were doing interior stuff.
His choice of exposing the insides of his base may have been his fault, but there's no reason for anyone to mess with it. I'm surprised that SeventhSandwich would do such thing

This is the issue with these kinds of systems and why I have no intention of using one in my fort wars servers. In a perfect world, you can just shoot the guy and move along.

what if they shoot first
In builder mode you can't shoot anyone and you can't be killed, which good in most scenarios, but bad in some like this.

Anyways, apologies for that planr, /spy wasn't seeming to work for me at the time so I figured you'd tell me if he had stopped. I don't know why I didn't use /find or something similar, so that was definitely my bad. Won't happen again.

Seventh can be a jackass in video games sometimes, but that's no excuse.

Oh, it is an excuse.

*puts on shades*

An excuse to ban him.

But yeah, that was pretty stuffty behavior, IMO. Kinda surprised people would be a richard like that, but I guess I'm just naive.