Pie Crust

Author Topic: Pie Crust  (Read 58367 times)

I might also add this is the same guy that thinks the whole world should be communistic
is this brother forgetin serious

why in the good forgetin' lord would he want the entire world to be under a system that removes freedom of the press, has all businesses controlled by the government, among other splendid things

is this brother forgetin serious

why in the good forgetin' lord would he want the entire world to be under a system that removes freedom of the press, has all businesses controlled by the government, among other splendid things
Cause he's politically handicapped

whoops yeah

Yeah I recall f3d himself saying that stuff in there is terrible

I remember when I first met pie crust ingame in v20 and he seemed pretty cool
no idea this would happen aaa

I'm going to pull the "Zedrow" card and see how this continues.

if you're trying to say your lying I highly doubt it

you tried to justify it

people who joke about a crime don't justify jokes about crimes

I get he is disgusting and inhuman and all that but it was just a confession in a thread meant for confessions.
a thread for confessions doesn't mean a thread where you won't be judged. I don't even think it was for confessions specifically, at the least it was pretty vague
but even if the OP explicitly said it was a thread for confessions, that doesn't mean you can't be made fun of or whatever for something you confess. it's probably less likely to happen, because people go into the thread expecting some weird stuff, but saying that you have love with animals is pretty out there
"hurr hurr i smoke weed every hour but because i enjoy it its not abuse"
that's not really the same thing. I mean, you're not entirely wrong that that would be abuse, I guess? but it's an entirely different kind of abuse, and doesn't make for a great brown townogy

is this brother forgetin serious

why in the good forgetin' lord would he want the entire world to be under a system that removes freedom of the press, has all businesses controlled by the government, among other splendid things
he's not a communist, he's some totalitarian "socialist". True communism promotes social equality, freedom of the people, internationalism, and the disolution of the state. As I stated before, he just blindly follows soviet ideals. not to mention he just blindly hates

if pie crust isn't banned or if he is and he comes back yet again, nobody's going to forget that he's a dogforgeter

i dunno guys, does a man truly own a dog if he can't cum on it's face?

i dunno guys, does a man truly own a dog if he can't cum on it's face?
I own 4 dogs and that thought has never crossed my mind

why do people have loads of dogs I never got this

why do people have loads of dogs I never got this

they play with each other and its less work for you to excersise them

you have to pay more money for food and what not though

why do people have loads of dogs I never got this
I have one that was a replacement for the dog I grew up with after he died
Another was a replacement for my grandma's dog because we had to send it away because it had a mental disease
One we got because we saw it in a pet store in a horrid conditions
The last one was just because my grandma thought it was cute

My dog also happens to be a rescue dog that was abused

why do people have loads of dogs I never got this
some people have lots of loads ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)