
Should Pie Crust be permanently banned?

Yes, Pie Crust should be banned.
392 (82.4%)
No, Pie Crust should not be banned.
84 (17.6%)

Total Members Voted: 476

Voting closed: April 25, 2015, 07:48:43 PM

Author Topic: Petition to have Pie Crust Permanently Banned  (Read 75036 times)

I'll be sure to ban Petition from my server
Even if this won't happen [Pie Crust getting banned], is still impressive to see how many people hate pie crust.

Nothing he's done was ban-worthy.
Not directly no, but badspot can ban people for whatever reason he wants remember. Nobody has done anything near as bad as pie crust has. He's a unique case of disgusting individual, whether he forgeted a dog or not.

Not directly no, but badspot can ban people for whatever reason he wants remember. Nobody has done anything near as bad as pie crust has. He's a unique case of disgusting individual, whether he forgeted a dog or not.
What about Zapk spamming the master server or Cca using ingame hacks?

Not directly no, but badspot can ban people for whatever reason he wants remember. Nobody has done anything near as bad as pie crust has. He's a unique case of disgusting individual, whether he forgeted a dog or not.
People on this forum have ddos'd servers, hijacked keys, and even shut down the master server and forum servers but noo, some guy who said he forgeted a dog is clearly worse than all of them

What about Zapk spamming the master server or Cca using ingame hacks?
People on this forum have ddos'd servers, hijacked keys, and even shut down the master server and forum servers
That's pretty bad, but it hasn't caused actual emotional and physical harm to an actual living creature, or wants us to believe that he did. FOR FUN. It's debatable that kalphiter/computermix/okiver have caused monetary damage to Badspot, but that's it really.

Not directly no, but badspot can ban people for whatever reason he wants remember.
Badspot already is obviously not going to do anything about it. In fact he's probably eating a bag of popcorn watching the show right now.

Badspot already is obviously not going to do anything about it.
Is that a reason to vote no? That you just "know he's not going to do anything about it?" The entire reason we have this petition is that he hasn't done anything directly rulebreaking, nobody is denying that, but that we all dislike what he did (Or wants us to believe that he did. He's literally admitting to it, for christs sake.) so much that we want him gone anyway.

That's pretty bad, but it hasn't caused actual emotional and physical harm to an actual living creature, or wants us to believe that he did. FOR FUN. It's debatable that kalphiter/computermix/okiver have caused monetary damage to Badspot, but that's it really.
Of course it's disgusting, of course it's emotionally and physically crushing, but in the grand scope of things it's just some guy harmlessly saying that he boinked a dog (that may or may not be true) on an internet forum. Besides, literally everyone here cracks jokes about 9/11, Riddler, Ebola, CIA, etc. where thousands upon thousands of people have died, and those are stuffty things, but talking about it is harmless.

Of course it's disgusting, of course it's emotionally and physically crushing, but in the grand scope of things it's just some guy harmlessly saying that he boinked a dog (that may or may not be true) on an internet forum. Besides, literally everyone here cracks jokes about 9/11, Riddler, Ebola, CIA, etc. where thousands upon thousands of people have died, and those are stuffty things, but talking about it is harmless.
difference here is that none of us are terrorists, national socialists or diseases
pie crust actually does the stuff he jokes about. and you're still using that stupid as hell "this is worse so this must be okay!" arguement

Besides, literally everyone here cracks jokes about 9/11, Riddler, Ebola, CIA, etc. where thousands upon thousands of people have died, and those are stuffty things, but talking about it is harmless.
The difference being those are jokes. Jokes don't forget dogs.

difference here is that none of us are terrorists, national socialists or diseases
pie crust actually does the stuff he jokes about. and you're still using that stupid as hell "this is worse so this must be okay!" arguement
we don't even know if that's true given he only said it but even if it was true then he's just a stuffty person in real life, not a stuffty one here. it's not like he can go through the internet and forget all your pets or something. badspot can't do anything about it by banning him because even if he did ban him, he'd still be out there loving dogs

we don't even know if that's true given he only said it but even if it was true then he's just a stuffty person in real life, not a stuffty one here. it's not like he can go through the internet and forget all your pets or something. badspot can't do anything about it by banning him because even if he did ban him, he'd still be out there loving dogs
He admitted to it, what more proof do you need? There is no need to give him the benefit of the doubt. He literally said "This dog is my girlfriend." "I forgeted this dog." Someone got banned recently for saying "I didn't DDoS a server." He didn't even admit to something that causes no actual physical harm and he still got banned, and pie crust is admitting to something that causes actual physical and emotional harm to an actual living thing. Do you want a dog forgeter in this community? This isn't a even a question of whether or not what he did was bannable, it's a question of "Do you think this person deserves to be able to stay in this community." The answer for me, and over 300 others, is no. I don't want animal abusing scum, or someone who wants others to believe they're animal abusing scum, on this forum. He deserves to be put into a mental health hospital for christs sake. A petition has gone through for the nigerian cunts that got around the same number of votes. Again, they didn't directly break any rules, but guess what? It still succeeded.

He admitted to doing something gross and breaking american laws. So? A bunch of you incriminate yourselves by talking about drugs all the damn time, and people could see that as equally wrong. (I don't think drugs are worse than beastiality, for those of you that like to misconstrue words.)

My vote is no.