
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 458379 times)

I got nostalgic chills from The Thee Lightning Zombies for some reason...

It reminds me of this for some reason...

does anyone remember soul wars

well, good news. Buffalo V7 is close to being completed. Expect a release and a link to it soon.

Me and my two other friends are releasing Buffalo V7 today. Ill send the link when we release!

edit: Teaser images.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 03:06:33 PM by Cheze »

i need help with a code.
(pagestretch warning)
RecordTips = {"Whoa! you did it!","No comments.","You are getting really good at this. keep it up!"}
LowTips = {"Don't give up, pal. you will get good with time","Meh. you can do better than this","Don't worry. you are not the first to lose in this game"}
NormalTips = {"Nice! keep it up!","gg"}
Tips = {"Never try to jump under the bottom platforms when trying to escape an enemy, because you will die due to not enough height to pass the enemy","test2"}

local Tool = script.Parent
local gui = nil
local mapParts = {}
local player = nil

local keyDownCon = nil
local keyUpCon = nil
local clickCon = nil

local platforming = false

local time = 0

local gaming = true

local head = nil

local left = false
local right = false
local jump = false

local prize = nil
local prizeRegenTimer = 0

local walkCounter = 0
local playerWalkForward = {"32171523","32171543","32171566","32171582","32171594"}
local playerWalkBackward = {"32168430","32168450","32168470","32168483","32168492"}

local playerVelocity = Vector2.new(0,0)

function onEquipped(mouse)

   enabled = false

   gui = Tool.GameGui:clone()
   player = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Player
   mapParts = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Map:GetChildren()

   keyDownCon = mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown)
   keyUpCon = mouse.KeyUp:connect(onKeyUp)
   clickCon = gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.MouseB utton1Click:connect(soundChanger)

   if Tool.Handle.Song.Volume == 0 then
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203595"
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203454"

   head = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")



function onUnequipped()

   gaming = false
   head.Anchored = false


   game.Workspace.CurrentCamera. CameraType = 5

   clickCon = nil
   keyDownCon = nil
   keyUpCon = nil



local enabled = false

function onActivated()

   if enabled then return end

   enabled = true

   game.Workspace.CurrentCamera. CameraType = 1
   head.Anchored = true
   prize = nil
   prizeRegenTimer = 0
   time = 0
   gui.Parent = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent).PlayerGui

   gui = Tool.GameGui:clone()
   clickCon = gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.MouseB utton1Click:connect(soundChanger)
   if Tool.Handle.Song.Volume == 0 then
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203595"
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203454"
   player = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Player
   mapParts = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Map:GetChildren()
   game.Workspace.CurrentCamera. CameraType = 5
   head.Anchored = false

   enabled = false



function soundChanger()

   if gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image == "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203454" then
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203595"
      Tool.Handle.Song.Volume = 0
      Tool.Handle.Jump.Volume = 0
      Tool.Handle.Prize.Volume = 0
      Tool.Handle.Fail.Volume = 0
      gui.Cabinet.SoundOnOff.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32203454"
      Tool.Handle.Song.Volume = 1
      Tool.Handle.Jump.Volume = 1
      Tool.Handle.Prize.Volume = 1
      Tool.Handle.Fail.Volume = 1


function onKeyDown(key)

   if key == "a" then
      left = true
      right = false
   elseif key == "d" then
      left = false
      right = true
   elseif key == "w" then
      jump = true


function onKeyUp(key)
   if key == "a" then
      left = false
   elseif key == "d" then
      right = false
   elseif key == "w" then
      jump = false


function Physics()

   if playerVelocity.y < 8 then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x,playerVelocity.y + 1)
   if playerVelocity.y > 1 then
      platforming = false
   local enemies = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Enemies:GetChildren()
   for i = 1, #enemies do
      enemies.Position = UDim2.new(0,enemies.Position.X.Offset,0,enemies.Position.Y.Offset + 5)


function Touching(a,b)
   local ap = Vector2.new(a.Position.X.Offset, a.Position.Y.Offset)
   local as = Vector2.new(a.Size.X.Offset, a.Size.Y.Offset)
   local bp = Vector2.new(b.Position.X.Offset, b.Position.Y.Offset)
   local bs = Vector2.new(b.Size.X.Offset, b.Size.Y.Offset)
   local c = (ap.x + as.x > bp.x) and (bp.x + bs.x > ap.x) and (ap.y + as.y > bp.y) and (bp.y + bs.y > ap.y)
   if c then
      return true
      return false

function Collision()

   -- check player against map
   for i = 1, #mapParts do

      if Touching(mapParts,player) then

         if player.Position.X.Offset < mapParts.Position.X.Offset and not platforming then
            player.Position = UDim2.new(0, mapParts.Position.X.Offset - player.Size.X.Offset,0,player.Position.Y.Offset)
            playerVelocity = Vector2.new(0,playerVelocity.y)
         elseif player.Position.X.Offset + player.Size.X.Offset > mapParts.Position.X.Offset + mapParts.Size.X.Offset and not platforming then
            player.Position = UDim2.new(0, mapParts.Position.X.Offset + mapParts.Size.X.Offset,0,player.Position.Y.Offset)
            playerVelocity = Vector2.new(0,playerVelocity.y)
            if player.Position.Y.Offset > mapParts.Position.Y.Offset then
               playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x,10)
               platforming = false
            elseif player.Position.Y.Offset + player.Size.Y.Offset > mapParts.Position.Y.Offset then
               platforming = true
               playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x,0)



   -- check enemies against map, player
   local enemies = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Enemies:GetChildren()
   for i = 1, #enemies do
      for j = 1, #mapParts do
         if Touching(mapParts[j],enemies) then
            enemies.Position = UDim2.new(0,enemies.Position.X.Offset,0,mapParts[j].Position.Y.Offset - enemies.Size.Y.Offset)
      if enemies.Position.X.Offset > 384 or enemies.Position.X.Offset < 0  then
         if enemies.Position.Y.Offset > 230 then
            enemies.Left.Value = not enemies.Left.Value
      if Touching(enemies,player) then
         gaming = false

   -- check game bounds
   if player.Position.X.Offset < 0 then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(0,playerVelocity.y)
      player.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0,player.Position.Y.Offset)
   elseif player.Position.X.Offset > 384 then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(0,playerVelocity.y)
      player.Position = UDim2.new(0,384,0,player.Position.Y.Offset)

   if player.Position.Y.Offset < 0 then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x,0)
      player.Position = UDim2.new(0,player.Position.X.Offset,0,0)
   -- check player against prize
   if prize ~= nil and Touching(player,prize) then
      time = time + 100
      prize = nil
      prizeRegenTimer = math.random(180,360)


function updatePlayerPos()

   if math.abs(playerVelocity.x) > 4 then
      if playerVelocity.x  < 0 then   
         playerVelocity = Vector2.new(-4,playerVelocity.y)
         playerVelocity = Vector2.new(4,playerVelocity.y)
   player.Position = UDim2.new(0,player.Position.X.Offset + playerVelocity.x,0,player.Position.Y.Offset + playerVelocity.y)
   playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x * 0.5,playerVelocity.y * 0.9)


function Controls()

   if left then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x - 3,playerVelocity.y)
   elseif right then
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x + 3,playerVelocity.y)
   if jump and platforming then
      jump = false
      platforming = false
      playerVelocity = Vector2.new(playerVelocity.x,playerVelocity.y - 20)


function walkAnimation(forward)

   walkCounter = walkCounter + 1
   if walkCounter > 8 then
      walkCounter = 1

   local playIndex = walkCounter
   if walkCounter == 4 then
      playIndex = 2
   elseif walkCounter == 5 then
      playIndex = 1
   elseif walkCounter == 6 then
      playIndex = 4
   elseif walkCounter == 7 then
      playIndex = 5
   elseif walkCounter == 8 then
      playIndex = 4

   if forward then
      player.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=" .. playerWalkForward[playIndex]
      player.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=" .. playerWalkBackward[playIndex]


local forward = true
function animation()
   if playerVelocity.x > 1 then
      forward = true
   elseif playerVelocity.x < -1 then
      forward = false
   elseif forward then
      player.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=" .. playerWalkForward[1]
      walkCounter = 1
      player.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=" .. playerWalkBackward[1]
      walkCounter = 1


local left = true
function spawnEnemy()

   local enemy = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
   enemy.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32183056"
   enemy.Size = UDim2.new(0,16,0,16)
   enemy.BackgroundTransparency = 1
   enemy.BorderSizePixel = 0
   enemy.ZIndex = 2
   if left then
      enemy.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0)
      enemy.Position = UDim2.new(0,380,0,0)
   enemy.Name = "Enemy"
   enemy.Parent = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Enemies

   local leftDirection = Instance.new("BoolValue")
   leftDirection.Name = "Left"
   leftDirection.Value = not left
   leftDirection.Parent = enemy

   left = not left


local spawned = false
local maxEnemies = 0
function updateEnemies()

   maxEnemies = 4 + (time/900)
   local enemies = gui.Cabinet.Screen.Enemies:GetChildren()
   if #enemies < maxEnemies and not spawned then
      spawned = true
      local co = coroutine.create(function()
         spawned = false
   for i = 1, #enemies do

      if enemies.Left.Value then
         enemies.Position = UDim2.new(0,enemies.Position.X.Offset - 3,0,enemies.Position.Y.Offset)
         enemies.Position = UDim2.new(0,enemies.Position.X.Offset + 3,0,enemies.Position.Y.Offset)



function updatePrize()
   if prizeRegenTimer > 0 then
      prizeRegenTimer = prizeRegenTimer - 1
   if prize ==  nil then
      prize = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
      prize.Name = "Prize"
      prize.Size = UDim2.new(0,24,0,24)
      prize.Image = "http://www.r0blox.com/asset/?id=32190862"
      prize.BackgroundTransparency = 1
      prize.BorderSizePixel = 0
      prize.Parent = gui.Cabinet.Screen

      local pos = math.random(1,4)
      if pos == 1 then prize.Position = UDim2.new(0,24,0,120)
      elseif pos == 2 then prize.Position = UDim2.new(0,350,0,120)
      elseif pos == 3 then prize.Position = UDim2.new(0,350,0,230)
      else prize.Position = UDim2.new(0,24,0,230) end         

function gameOver()

   if gui:FindFirstChild("Cabinet") then
   local scoreFrame = gui:FindFirstChild("ScoreFrame")
   if scoreFrame then
      gui.ScoreFrame.Tip.Text = Tips[math.random(1,#Tips)]
   while scoreFrame do
      gui.ScoreFrame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0.5, -20), "Out", "Back")
      gui.ScoreFrame.Tip:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0.5, 25), "Out", "Bounce")


function gameLoop()

   animTimer = 0
   gaming = true
   while gaming do
      time = time + 0.05
      animTimer = animTimer + 1
      if animTimer == 3 then
         animTimer = 0
      gui.ScoreFrame.Score.Text = tostring(math.floor(time))
   if head.Anchored then


it is identical to the original code of this gear, except one part:
      gui.ScoreFrame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0.5, -20), "Out", "Back")
      gui.ScoreFrame.Tip:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0.5, 25), "Out", "Bounce")
this is the modification from line 443 to 445

and this is the original one.
      gui.ScoreFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,gui.ScoreFrame.Position.X.Offset,0.5,gui.ScoreFrame.Position.Y.Offset - 3)
      if gui.ScoreFrame.Position.Y.Off set <= 0 then wait(3) return end

everything works perfectly, but when deselecting the tool after losing, an error comes in:
23:20:03.956 - ScoreFrame is not a valid member of ScreenGui
23:20:03.957 - Stack Begin
23:20:03.958 - Script 'Players.Player1.Backpack.2D Game.LocalScript', Line 445 - global gameOver
23:20:03.959 - Script 'Players.Player1.Backpack.2D Game.LocalScript', Line 470 - global gameLoop
23:20:03.960 - Script 'Players.Player1.Backpack.2D Game.LocalScript', Line 105
23:20:03.962 - Stack End

any help?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 08:33:37 PM by BlocklandBlockoCity »

did you try turning it off and on

did you try turning it off and on
man, what helpful and insightful advice that helps solve the problem.
turning it on and off again always fixes things

the error still persists when you attempt to turn on the game after a loss.
this is the tool i'm having problems with
the model i submitted

How do I get an old account back?

i think its still registered...
well unless you remember the email for it you're forgeted