
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 494159 times)

presenting you my last (not so) detailed build

The backpack

Also comes with a radio to listen some tunes

a bottle

inspired in this one irl

it was a pretty hard thing to make, inclusive the top

i had to use a CSG torus as a negative part to make the neck of the bottle; that was easier than the lid.
the lid was a harder thing, indeed: i made around 4-5 unions to make that part, but several "unsolvable union" errors were in my way, so i had to redo some unions and i did it..
i have to admit i have underestimated the CSG powers..

the little medkit was the last thing to be implemented to the backpack

and a closer look of the locks

sorry for the pageloss/stretch i guess

If you are going to wear camouflage then why get a big red backpack

oh sorry that's my avatar
also i still don't know if i change the color or make it one-color..
was going to make it orange or green..

this is loving genius

spent up my robux i was saving up for a AK-47 unlock pass at R2DA..
was even better than the steyr m, but i need an axe now

this is loving genius

I guess you could say that they're Cheze-Its!

I guess you could say that they're Cheze-Its!
I don't get it

I guess you could say that they're Cheze-Its!
that is the best pun ive heard about my username so far

let us stop and appreciate the absolute quality of old roblox tshirts

Does anyone here know how to resize the player?
I made a player model that is 3 studs wide and 5.4 studs tall.

Who else thinks that T-Shirts will be removed from Roblox?

Now with the new one color for the entire body feature, these will be unnecessary