
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 465472 times)

How is that an obsession? I'm trying to make as much as I can by taking each opportunity I get. That's not greedy, that's called being smart.
shilling out, i'll probably find you rubbing your hands over the profit you gained from a game which probably took under a hour to make.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 06:33:45 PM by Refticus »

Games page has been updated with new icons!

does anyone remember how to make a t shirt

How is that an obsession? I'm trying to make as much as I can by taking each opportunity I get. That's not greedy, that's called being smart.
holy stuff you are literally addicted to this virtual currency

I think your goal is to try and use devex to get $2 and some pocket change, but your probably spending hundreds of dollars on this game
'money farm'
 cashing out each month
I also bought the Red Grind for R$230,000
there is room for profit.
I've made 9k ROBUX in pending sales so far, and 35k tix from visits.
Ok so I've decided that I will be making a spinoff of The Complex,
You used my product, and I am not refunding you.
Not refunding him? Why wouldn't you? you clearly have enough money, so why dont you?
How much are you paying? And can you be more specific in what you need? I cant script, but I can pay someone to make it for you and then I'll resell it to you.
I'm trying to make as much as I can
I could add more
Lets also not forget you blatantly bashed someones game.
Horrible, how do you call that a game?
richard. You dont even work on your own projects as shown by this post
My builder was unable to finish the map
So how can you say his is bad, when you dont even work on your own?

you are such a greedy pig, just stop posting here if all your going to do is talk ''give me more money''
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 11:34:29 AM by Afraidanna »

you're showing an intense and selfish desire for virtual currency

It's not virtual currency anymore once I cash it out for real life money, which I do on a monthly basis. It's not selfish.

I think there's an interface for it on your profile, but I can't remember anything more than that.

I think there's an interface for it on your profile, but I can't remember anything more than that.
It's under "Develop".
Click the Tshirt Tab on the left

operation sea lion would have utterly failed
i can dream

It's not virtual currency anymore once I cash it out for real life money, which I do on a monthly basis. It's not selfish.

As if that makes it better.

I did my rounds yesterday in trading currency to get my profits. I was supposed to get around 3,400 robux from the overall tickets I had. Instead, I got 12,909 robux out of it for some reason. I ended up with 7,500 due to my mini-frenzy spending on stuff that I was picky for.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 05:38:31 PM by Master Shadow Phoenix »

This game keeps crashing twice for me before I can enter a server. Fix?

As if that makes it better.

I'm making money by doing very little work, what about you?