
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 493965 times)

2017 - EGG9000
Reminds me of Hal from That Space oddity movie

also anyone else been in a hacked server today? Three got hacked for me and in one we got given DYICKS

Reminds me of Hal from That Space oddity movie

also anyone else been in a hacked server today? Three got hacked for me and in one we got given DYICKS
the egg 9000 is based off hal, that one I guess is a coincidence

Are demolition derby servers still incredibly popular like I remember?

finally finished the egg hunt minus the admin egg (which I dont care about cause getting it is stupid)

forget the unstable egg and those broken grapple rope mechanics

the egg 9000 is based off hal, that one I guess is a coincidence
nope. clearly cannot be a coincidence

got all the 40 eggs plus snow spheroid and EBR.
i wish i could get the roblox too

got all the 40 eggs plus snow spheroid and EBR.
i wish i could get the roblox too
snow spheroid is an egg?

I pretty much gave up on the egg hunt, its creative but the eggs are a little ugly in my opinion.

snow spheroid is an egg?
you got to eliminate 8 players in the arctic battlegrounds..
update: finally got the last eggs; and i was in the wrong place when i was looking for the submarine

roblox is actually so intensive that it takes up all of my CPU and nearly brings my PC to a halt
should classify it as a virus