Author Topic: I'm an Idiot, guys.  (Read 5432 times)

do everything you can to get plan b

I've turned down love uncountable times, you can too.
'nothing' is pretty hard to imagine so yeah I agree

i'm pretty sure planned parenthood gives plan b away.

I've turned down love uncountable times, you can too.

I've turned down love uncountable times, you can too.
haha nerd

ot: ya dun forgetd up OP

cant you just buy some plan B

New TF2 "Aborted Fetus" hat
And that's how I lost my medical license

Anyway, father it. Don't listen to the jerks telling you to abandon your girl.

hey forget you they obviously cannot support the baby.  putting it up for adoption will spare them the sheer financial issues, since outright killing it isn't an option.

Aren't you the guy who posted "I literally just lost my virginity" ?

Anyway, Abortion really just seems like the only option but I could be wrong

he explicitly said his GF doesn't want abortion - on the first page, too.  the options so far seem to be either plan B or what i said above.