So my Grandma passed away the other day...

Author Topic: So my Grandma passed away the other day...  (Read 1413 times)

// Before I start, I hope nobody takes this as me "looking for attention". I kind of want comfort, and this is one of the only websites I go on daily. Just wanted to share and stuff //

So my grandmother passed away. If you remember an older topic of my grandpa dying back in 2011, well now my dad's mom is gone too. She had colon cancer for a little bit over half a year, and it took its toll. She actually died on April 9th, but after going to a ceremony and mass dedicated to her, it finally hit me that she's gone.
The worst part, to me at least, is that April 8th is my dad's birthday. She died the day after my dad's birthday. It devastated our whole family.
I don't know... I just wanted to share this. It just now hit me that she's gone. I barely cry, but I'll be honest; yesterday (at the open casket funeral) I cried a lot. I really will miss her :(

If you want, share stories about similar incidents, or cheer me up with a funny or stupid video. I like those

My condolences. My great grandmother passed away recently as well.

Hug a pillow and cry out into it, get all that sadness out. It really helps, trust me

wow, stuff dude that sucks. condolences
hope this cheers you up

Sorry for your loss.

I feel it, my condolences to you.

Well, I guess it could be a good thing, in a way. In the hospital, she's been really suffering, especially these past 2 weeks. If it wasn't for the morphine, she'd feel a lot more pain than she already did. At least she's not suffering any longer. May she rest in peace...

wow, stuff dude that sucks. condolences
hope this cheers you up
i was literally watching that less than a minute before opening this thread
its still up in the other tab.

... coincidence??

wow, stuff dude that sucks. condolences
hope this cheers you up
I watched this yesterday. I love this xD

My grandmother passed away around three years ago at this point. When she passed, she had developed dementia that basically affected her ability to remember members of my family's names, and could no longer walk as a result of a herniated hip.

About a week before she passed, she slipped into a coma in her sleep while her nurse was caring for her (she lived in a nursing home). It was basically at this point that we called in hospice care, who were basically given the task of caring for my grandma as best as they could to make her final few days as comfortable and palliative as possible. In my eyes, they're saints.

I remember the morning she died pretty much as if it were yesterday. The light in my room was kind of gray, and my mom walked in and woke me up before telling me that my grandmother hadn't been doing well and that she was going to go check on her. As soon as she left, I cried like I had never cried before. I knew my grandma had passed and I hadn't gotten to say goodbye, but I cried because I remembered the good times when she could still walk, and when she and my grandpa would take care of me when I was little and my mom was at work.

I don't mean to garner sympathy, but I just want to impart the fact that you should remember the good times you spent with your grandmother. Don't dwell on her death, because it's not what she would want. She would want you to hearken back to your best memories of her, because those are the memories that'll always be with you.

I'm really sorry for your loss.