playertype server.cs

Author Topic: playertype server.cs  (Read 703 times)

Could someone whip up a server.cs for a playertype with the following traits? I'm not sure how to make this kind of detail into it.

  • Forward speed similar to player walk speed
  • Bare minimum jump height (can jump 2 bricks at most
  • Lots of health, and reduced damage when crouched (I really don't know how to accomplish this)
  • crouch speed is Double player walk speed, and equal in every direction
  • half player height
  • use a model (leave this blank, along with animations)
Everything else should be default, and that should be all.

Could a mod put this in coding help? I think I'd get help there.

Put playerNoJet.dump(); in your console while running a server to see the objects values. You can look at a player addon and edit it.

Assuming you wanted this in coding help.

Put playerNoJet.dump(); in your console while running a server to see the objects values. You can look at a player addon and edit it.

Assuming you wanted this in coding help.
the only parts i honestly needed was reduced damage when crouched, inability to use items when crouched, and dealing damage by hitting other players while crouched. Everything else, i could probably wing it.