Author Topic: PTG v3 Development  (Read 24105 times)

god damn
this is pretty damn legit, what with all the biomes and zones and stuff
won't it take ages to test though?

GSF, can you take that code you made to rotate bricks, and make something that can mirror a duplication? I just had a really annoying rebuild session when I forgot to edit the other side of a carrier to match the side i changed while changing it.

So basically I'd be able to build a small house and have little houses placed throughout the landscape?


lagged out of the server, but holy crap. although it looks no better than it does in the pictures, by my soul it has way more of an effect in person.
its like that vast sense of unimportance you get when you play minecraft single-player, just one man (or a few men) against the infinite space of the wilderness...
only a few games really capture this feeling and with this, blockland becomes one of that group.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 11:35:15 PM by Conan »


lagged out of the server, but holy crap. although it looks no better than it does in the pictures, by my soul it has way more of an effect in person.
its like that vast sense of unimportance you get when you play minecraft single-player, just one man (or a few men) against the infinite space of the wilderness...
only a few games really capture this feeling and with this, blockland becomes one of that group.
Thanks for joining guys! The beta went well and got some great feedback on the generator.

The only potential issues I'm worried about is if terrain will be able to update fast enough, and if constantly clearing / generating bricks will cause problems with client-ghosting. These did come up during testing today, so I'm not really sure how to address it just yet.

So basically I'd be able to build a small house and have little houses placed throughout the landscape?
Yes, you'll be able to use just about any .bls save and have it be included in the landscape generation, no matter where the build itself is located. You'll be able to choose which builds you want to use and which biomes they'll generate in, and it'll take care of the rest.

won't it take ages to test though?

GSF, can you take that code you made to rotate bricks, and make something that can mirror a duplication? I just had a really annoying rebuild session when I forgot to edit the other side of a carrier to match the side i changed while changing it.
I think about two weeks of testing should be enough. I'm trying to catch and address as many issues as possible before the beta even starts so that it'll won't need to be as extensive. And a mirror duplication script for the add-on or as a separate add-on?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 12:50:03 AM by [GSF]Ghost »

Mirror duplication script as a separate addon. It appears to be doable; take the bricks of a certain save and invert them on some given axis (x, y, or z)

would become

Only if you think its easy to implement though. I noticed it was something missing in the current slew of building-assist mods.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 02:22:35 AM by Conan »

It would be best if someone else could make it; I still have to update Item Storage and work on another terrain mod. If no one else is willing to then I'll make it. Btw, I think I figured out what caused terrain not to render the last time I hosted - we were over the brick limit lol. I added a script to prevent that from happening, so I'll host again very soon to see if it works.

There's a new script floating around called SuperLoad or something like that, it basically allows you to ghost bricks up to 8x as fast depending on your latency. Seems like it would surely be able to fix any ghosting speed issues. You can ask zeblote for it I believe.

There's a new script floating around called SuperLoad or something like that, it basically allows you to ghost bricks up to 8x as fast depending on your latency. Seems like it would surely be able to fix any ghosting speed issues. You can ask zeblote for it I believe.
Thanks, yeah someone else mentioned that as well on my server the other day. I'm kind of skeptical about using a .dll injection, but I'll definitely look into it - it may actually work perfectly with the generator.

Great news! Custom build-loading (to a certain extent) is now working! Still have some things to tweak, but the screenshots below show how it flattens terrain - relative to the build's calculated bounding box, randomly chooses certain build sizes and files, and randomly rotates them as well.

This is the last feature I'll be adding, but there are many other additions I still haven't shown off yet. Also, once I finish build-loading and finalize the other scripts, the add-on will be ready for testing.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 05:44:51 PM by [GSF]Ghost »

Thanks for the bump guys! No worries it's not dying, right now I'm finalizing all the features shown off over the past few weeks. If there are no more delays, I should have the beta ready by next weekend or the following week.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 12:45:03 PM by [GSF]Ghost »

Thanks for the bump :) Also, I posted a new topic in modification discussion that will focus on add-on testing and feedback:

Thanks for the bump :) Also, I posted a new topic in modification discussion that will focus on add-on testing and feedback:
No problem