Author Topic: The best host ever  (Read 2081 times)

I just joined Solaria the Blazikens videogame RP server and he/she banned me for 20160 minutes because my username is forum. Brilliance.

Can confirm solaria is 'best' host.
I joined, him and his buddies started calling me a noob because my name had a 0 in it in place of an O.
then i got banned for 60 minutes for the reason; "No noobish behavior"
Ironically, I hadn't spawned yet.

he banned me and 3 other people because we joined clothed as the mario/wario brothers, all donning yaranaika

 I actually know the host, 'Solaria the Blaziken' is a fifteen year old named Matthew whoom lives in New Hampshire-- specifically in the United States. (Info from Steam Account)

Referring to Matthew as 'Solaria' will help me explain some further points as to why this is his 'acceptable' behavior at the very least, keep in mind that 'Solaria' suffers from 'DID' (Dissociate Personality Disorder) or how some other people would want to call it 'MPD' (Multiple Personality Disorder), he admitted this multiple times whilst I was talking to him and has brought it up numerous times in the past.

Think of 'Solaria' as an alter ego of the host, in which I mean-- he acts like his actual character and takes trait from his characters personality and applies it into his real self, which is quite annoying seeing as I have only seen him either be depressed or angry, with no choice in-between in regards to his emotions.

I also don't mean to poke holes at already dead subjects, but Solaria has already received a drama and proceeded to make an ass out of himself, I am certain that you will find the drama here, it's about how he banned a user who was merely flying around his build-- if you would proceed to the second page and generally the last page, you'd see the presumed host called 'Mattonmanx' is telling other people to not join his server because he's presumably an 'starfish', this is Solaria's old username.

Drama link:

-The following part of my rant is skippable, as it only refers to another administrator on the server and not at 'Solaria' himself-

I would also like to point out that we have a 'PieCrust' situation along with one of his admins, presumably 'Seras the Gandevoir'-- if you have been to the server, you might have noticed 'her' sitting there AFK or roleplaying as 'her' character which is also called Seras.

Keep in mind, I am not saying that 'Seras' committed bestiality, I am saying that they are quite insane to consider that they would be able to pretend to be female and have nobody notice his antics.

This is the Steam account belonging to Seras:

If you were to pay attention to any names and etcetera, you would notice that it mentions two usernames, 'Seras' and 'SwAt', the trick here is that the person behind this account plays it off like it's shared between two friends, whilst the only actual live human behind that screen is the user 'SwAt', there was no Seras at all-- the only owner of the account was merely pretending to be something/somebody he wasn't even close to being, a girl.

I could rant on and on about the rest of the administrative staff on the server, but I presume it would no longer be of any use to do so as I have already managed to get my point across to you, I think?

I am sorry if my post was unintelligible for any reasons, but I was a 'friend' of these dipstuffs, this is me talking from my experience with them

/support, this guy takes his roleplay way too seriously
and he thinks he's some kind of chicken-girl. i mean come on

I am sorry if my post was unintelligible for any reasons, but I was a 'friend' of these dipstuffs, this is me talking from my experience with them
i thought it was pretty good

As someone living in new hampshire I have a vague idea that I might know who he is but I obviously can't be sure

Not to mention one of the rules was high ids would be closely watched whilst his 150k friend was "alright"

the only problem i have with solaria is that she's way to high tempered
if you piss her off a little
it's a day ban