Author Topic: Picture story  (Read 4037 times)

I can relate, I built a huge city for my friends to play on so they could figure out how to play Blockland the right way. Tutorial city, but then they all stopped playing and got jobs and here I am, alone, in this city :c

How does he get in and out of his house if there are yellow/black bricks blocking the windows and door?

i tink ist sad bcus no body wlil hoin hi s servur

How does he get in and out of his house if there are yellow/black bricks blocking the windows and door?

what do you

that's how houses work right
i wouldn't know because i sold my house 20x nvidia titans.

pls feel more and more alone!

anyway, very nice story!

Hey I built some of that :3

I may actually do a video on this, this is a pretty cool story

Go for it man

I've wanted to see a video of something like this, as sort of a trailer for Blockland

[giant quote removed]

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 07:24:23 PM by Badspot »

..Why did you quote the entire OP?

dear god can you snip that quote by like... 400%?