Author Topic: things in public shools that piss you off: V2  (Read 15186 times)

Did you suck his richard?

When I try to heil Riddler and people get in the way of my SS march. :(


the difference is that you've chosen that field and presumably enjoy it
you don't choose to be in school

also there may be SOME work at home but it's not loving 3 hours every single night
12 year old detected

Every time one of these threads comes around, I'm always so glad I'm homeschooled

man, i hate this big dumb "green" movement that's making stuff like that happen
how long until we have mechanical ass-scrapers to replace toilet paper
This so much. They have like 5 different bins in the cafeteria and volunteer students to stand by all of them and police what goes where. I got an earful for putting a napkin in the trash because "those are compostable napkins!"

"lol guys if the teacher isn't here for 15 minutes we can legally leave" no forget you stop being handicapped

I'm fine with people wanting different pronouns, but if I get it wrong and they get mad, I'm going to call them the wrong thing on purpose.

"lol guys if the teacher isn't here for 15 minutes we can legally leave" no forget you stop being handicapped
So what kind of situation would this take place in?

So what kind of situation would this take place in?
I heard it was like that at colleges where it more likely to happen
dunno if its true though

So what kind of situation would this take place in?
I heard it was like that at colleges where it more likely to happen
dunno if its true though
At Secondary School there's no legality about it at all.
You can't leave, because you have to remain on the school premises for the entire school day. That is the law. To leave is to play truancy. Leaving just the room and wandering around the school will probably get you in trouble with your school rules, which normally dictate that you have to be in a classroom during lessontime.

At non-compulsory education the individual establishment will probably have rules for you.
At my college (high school) it was that you could leave if your lecturer doesn't turn up within 10 minutes of the class starting. This can happen because your teacher isn't always teaching in the same room, and they get distracted elsewhere. We can leave at this point because we're at the college optionally.

The same is true at university, although I think they ask us to wait 15 minutes before we leave.

Smelly/trashy people and greasy hair.

Take a shower for once. If you have issues were you actually lave no access to a shower, that's understandable. But if you just don't take a shower and smell like Satan's chapped dongy-doo-hole, I won't care about you at all.

At Secondary School there's no legality about it at all.
You can't leave, because you have to remain on the school premises for the entire school day. That is the law. To leave is to play truancy. Leaving just the room and wandering around the school will probably get you in trouble with your school rules, which normally dictate that you have to be in a classroom during lessontime.

At non-compulsory education the individual establishment will probably have rules for you.
At my college (high school) it was that you could leave if your lecturer doesn't turn up within 10 minutes of the class starting. This can happen because your teacher isn't always teaching in the same room, and they get distracted elsewhere. We can leave at this point because we're at the college optionally.

The same is true at university, although I think they ask us to wait 15 minutes before we leave.
My tech school is like this, if your instructor isn't there in time you can just leave.

Teachers that hold you back for something another person did and cause you to be late for your class