Author Topic: Meanwhile in Hawaii: Anonymous Launches Operation Green Rights  (Read 1086 times)

For those who need to keep up: The Thirty Meter Telescope - which is supposedly the world's biggest telescope - was planned to be finished on top of Mauna Kea, which is a dormant volcano. The native Hawaiians got upset about it and held a protest, forming a blockade to prevent the vehicles from going to the construction site. The Hawaiians claim that the site is sacred land. Then the governor decided to postpone the construction to investigate.

I can understand them being upset because of the site being sacred due to reasons involving their ancestors and culture, but I didn't think that Anonymous would be involved in this. Fortunately, the native Hawaiian protest group said that Anonymous aren't accounted for in the protest. If Anonymous does show up to the protest while wearing those masks, I'm going to expect a riot between the two. Then again, Anonymous has nothing better to do.

Discuss I guess.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 09:11:49 PM by Master Shadow Phoenix »

why does anonymous need to get involved with every protest jesus
their attention whoring is to the max

the world's biggest telescope??
that sounds radical

The idea of a telescope, on top of a dormant volcano.
Who was it and what where they smoking?
"Oh it should be alright now, but later down the road I advise we remove the telescope in case the volcano becomes active again".

I'm Hawaiian and I can confirm that the natives are just worried that building a huge ass telescope will awaken the volcano god.

I thought it had been long accepted that whenever "anonymous" is mentioned in the news they're either lying or it's a small and insignificant group of teenagers. I guess I'm just expecting too much from people.

I thought it had been long accepted that whenever "anonymous" is mentioned in the news they're either lying or it's a small and insignificant group of teenagers. I guess I'm just expecting too much from people.
cnn's gotta love reportin on em cus it's another way to inspire fear without any ramifications

cnn's gotta love reportin on em cus it's another way to inspire fear without any ramifications

I thought it had been long accepted that whenever "anonymous" is mentioned in the news they're either lying or it's a small and insignificant group of teenagers. I guess I'm just expecting too much from people.
I'm convinced that they're just slacktivist dipstuffs, but both of those work too.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 09:33:40 PM by Master Shadow Phoenix »

I'm tempted to side with the Native argument on this one because it's only fair they get to stipulate what gets put on their sacred land after centuries of collective ass-loving by our government. Unfortunately, if they're already building stuff, it sounds like they aren't going to be willing to uproot their entire project to put it on some other mountain. Sounds like it's too late.

Also, I'm strongly of the opinion that anonymous is not a real organization. If even a few internet neckbeards hop onto a cause under the moniker of 'anonymous', local news stations will pick it up for publicity reasons.

Also, I'm strongly of the opinion that anonymous is not a real organization.
No need to have an opinion on it, because you're right.

I'm Hawaiian and I can confirm that the natives are just worried that building a huge ass telescope will awaken the volcano god.
We shall not wake Lord Xenu.

Its funny because the media described hackers just like that gif does.

man, that anonymouse, sure hackin it up in those 1's and 0's