Author Topic: spooky stuff that's happened to you  (Read 2994 times)

Maybe the CSI or Police got you mixed up with someone else
I don't see how or why they would, but it's always a possibility. Scared the hell out of me nonetheless.

I don't see how or why they would, but it's always a possibility. Scared the hell out of me nonetheless.
coulda just been someone forgetin with you

>be me at 12 years of age
>tryin to sleep at 12 AM but with no provail
>hear loud ass banging on the front door
>go to check and theirs a tall ass shadow man
-NOT BULLstuff-
>Run and hide under covers then pass out cold
>wake up with killer headache

When I first heard of sleep paralysis and learned about it, my brother had sleep paralysis the night after.

Well, today I was at hockey to practice, and right after I stayed with my friend Anthony to go ice skating for an hour and a half. About an hour before it ended, I was in the hockey locker room where my stuff was, and I heard water running in the bathroom (which is right next to the locker room). I saw a shadow of something standing behind the door, but I assumed that someone was showering in the showers and put their clothes down, or was jerking off in front of the door and put the shower on to drown out the noise. Whatever, I thought.
30 minutes later, I come back in to get a hockey card out of my bag that I just bought to show Anthony. The shower was still running. The shadow still there, unmoved. I was spooped, but didn't think of it as anything.
When the ice skating session ends,  Anthony follows me into the locker room to talk while I take off my skates and get my bag. The shower's still on. Anthony tells me that he saw a shadow under the door. It didn't move. I was a bit spooked, and I could tell he was too. I don't know, I hope nobody hanged themselves or anything, because that's the first thing I thought of. It's been an hour since the incident. I forgot about the whole thing until I saw this topic

tl;dr- Shadow of a "person" in bathroom while showers on. Stayed there for over an hour. Spoopy

I have two things:

When I was 12, my parents went inside the Home Depot to buy some paint. I stayed in our minivan and sat in the driver's seat so no one would question why an empty van had its engine running (it was hot, needed A/C). I noticed a guy sitting in the back of an SUV a few feet away. The tailgate was opened and he was just sitting underneath it out of the sun. He just kept staring at me. I just tried to avoid eye contact like I always do when people stare at me. I saw him stand up and walk over to an Italian-looking cart attendant and talk to him. The attendant looked at me, said something to the guy, and walked away. The guy walked back to his SUV and stood next to it continuing to stare at me. I just wanted to ignore him, so I picked up a science experiment book that I found lying on the floor and managed to get interested. A few minutes later, I was jolted out of my close-minded reading by a knock at the window. The guy was towering above me. I just barely cracked the window (pinky finger would be lucky to fit in the crack) and asked what he wanted, trying to sound as pissed off as I could because my knees were knocking together underneath the steering column. He kept calling me a "little boy" and saying that he was going to go inside and find my parents. I pretty much told him to screw off and leave me alone, but also said they were coming back and that I was fine myself. He walked off and I called my dad telling him about the weird guy. I also noticed that cart attendant up at the front of the lot looking in my direction. My parents came out very shortly after that. The guy stood there staring and I made an obvious gesture in his direction to my dad. He snapped out of his stupor, got in his SUV, and drove away.

A couple years ago, my mom needed to get something from her dentist office. She went in and I stayed in the van. A small truck (a small '90s Japanese truck, like a Mazda B-Series, Isuzu, or Nissan Frontier) parked next to my window. Two teenage kids were in it and were just laughing and talking in there. They pulled out some sort of cigarettes, but I couldn't tell if they were nicotine or weed or whatever. I was interested though so I kept watching. The guy in the passenger seat noticed me watching and stared me down with a goofy grin and wide eyes. I quickly looked away but knew he was still staring. His friend in the driver seat rolled down his window and they both continued staring. My mom came out though and we left.

i had to poop but then nothing came out

i had to poop but then nothing came out

I had to poop and you were born

seriously man, no squibs, not even a fart
that just ain't right

Most will claim this is bullstuff but whatever
>be me age 13(panty dropper obvi)
>go to bed, all nice and comfortable
>closing eyes slowly, opening
>I see something pass my door several times
> like the 5th time got a good look with glasses on
>grim cMotherlovingGrimReaper *instant sharted pants and start crying like a pusillanimous individual ass cigarette*
> nothing there and start waking everybody up
>go to bed and wake up with a bruise on leg.
also this actually really happened. And whats really eerie is my dad found out he has cancer a week later.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 03:49:11 AM by Youtuber42 »

seriously man, no squibs, not even a fart
that just ain't right
stuff man
glad I'm not you

I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink, and when I returned to my room my computer turned itself on. I was confused, though I turned it off and went to bed. Woke up the next morning to find it had turned itself on again.

I was more pissed off than spooked though.

I might have an ulcer

That's spooky right?