Author Topic: beep3333 - Crossposting and cancerous memes  (Read 4918 times)

i pm'd the kid about it but i'm not sure he notices that there's a messaging system in this forum.

How many times is he going to use that image?

How many times is he going to use that image?
probably lots more.

to beep3333
God damn glass bowl stupid ass monkey fighting mother scratcher!

wow this drama is very good i believe that he should not post things like this and posting an image three times in a row is not good i believe he needs to reconsider the way hes posts and stop posting obama riding a unicorn with a rainbow in the background through a grassy field and that he needs to stop crossing his posts between various blockland forums boards and that he also needs to stop making posts like the op just mentioned as soon as possible or maybe he will slip up and get banned which is bad people getting banned is bad except people who are mean and deserve it because badspot knows when to ban people but sometimes he doesnt do it like that one crusty guy. thank u for reading my long post and have a digital cookie

not gonna lie that cookie looks really good

i don't know the chocolate chips look a bit soft
and maybe the dough should've been cooked a bit more


It means he's being a whatever that dumb quote means lmao.

This is one of those people who gets a high off of being edgy. We just need to have an intervention.