Author Topic: beep3333 - Crossposting and cancerous memes  (Read 4542 times)

memed his way out of getting burnt hard

i don't even know how I'm noticed so fast after like 5 posts...

87% of those posts gave people cancer

This man is our Messiah.

wow this drama is very good i believe that he should not post things like this and posting an image three times in a row is not good i believe he needs to reconsider the way hes posts and stop posting obama riding a unicorn with a rainbow in the background through a grassy field and that he needs to stop crossing his posts between various blockland forums boards and that he also needs to stop making posts like the op just mentioned as soon as possible or maybe he will slip up and get banned which is bad people getting banned is bad except people who are mean and deserve it because badspot knows when to ban people but sometimes he doesnt do it like that one crusty guy. thank u for reading my long post and have a digital cookie

snipe snip

Cool summary bro...

Not sure why everyone hates memes so much.

After all this time, people still take things seriously on the internet.

Not sure why everyone hates memes so much.
overused and after seeing them a few times it's just unfunny

overused and after seeing them a few times it's just unfunny

Seems reasonable enough.  I have to admit, I don't see them repeatedly.

This is just beautiful...i love chaos
Your definition of chaos must be very different then.
Not sure why everyone hates memes so much.
It's because they're usually overused and unfunny. If you keep using a joke a million billion times then it stops becoming funny, loses it's charm, and becomes annoying. It happens to running jokes on  these forums too.

damn it you need a loving avatar

It's because they're usually overused and unfunny. If you keep using a joke a million billion times then it stops becoming funny, loses it's charm, and becomes annoying. It happens to running jokes on  these forums too.

Agreed.  I rarely use memes myself.  In fact, I beleive memes are best used when they are the least appropriate, and so should be used sparingly.

I understand what you mean by over-use.

why do you keep putting enters after your quotes like


this guy seems to be pretty annoying but he hasn't done anything wrong besides maybe cross posting   

why do you keep putting enters after your quotes like


this guy seems to be pretty annoying but he hasn't done anything wrong besides maybe cross posting   

I've done it a lot for some time now, and no one has complained so far except for you.

I asked a question, I got an answer, and then I agreed twice.  I made a spelling mistake that I found amusing, and made it more obvious so that others could find it amusing.

I use multiple enters to space seperate paragraphs that are unrelated to each other, or for better effect so that it makes it clearer for those who glaze over posts like melting ice cream on a steep slide.

If you find me so annoying, then you could just ignore my posts instead of inserting a critical statement about me that has no original context to the OP.

You probably didn't mean to do so, but by making that critical statement whilst mentioning me as if I didn't click the "NOTIFY" button, things such as that derails threads.  I have seen it happen many times, there is a 50/50 chance that either 1, it will get ignored or 2, it tears the universe open a new one.

I'm not going to argue with you, that kind of behaviour doesn't get anyone anywhere, as I have observed.  But I am well within my rights to crosspost myself even just once, and it isn't doing anyone any harm.  An action is only wrong if it is used incorrectly, and I did not use the quote feature incorrectly  -I used it in a logical fashion that made sense because it portrayed exactly what I wanted it to:  To make a spelling mistake obvious and so to find it at least slightly amusing.  I am not picking an argument with you, I am taking the time to explain myself.

I encourage you all not to quote or respond to this post or the two before it, as it will only derail the thread.  I am not trying to prove this person wrong, I am stating the reasoning behind my actions and my own view on them.

TL:DR; You will want to read it, trust me.  It's glorious.  I apologise for any inconvenience we may have caused.  Please resume posting as normal.  Thank you for your patience.