Author Topic: Garland TX shooting - 2 Dead  (Read 2723 times)

So yeah, this happened not too long ago but I noticed nobody had made a topic on it yet. Both shooters were killed before they killed anyone.

Here are some links that may help:

From what I have read, the people were trying to get someone mad and expected this to happen, seeing as there was a competition on who could draw Muhammad the best.

Art is a very good way to express emotions and feelings, just not like that...

RIP to the two that died

The ultimate mixed feelings story

If only Pamela Gellar or Geert Wilders had been killed too

But yeah, as much as I dislike this event these people have a right to say/draw whatever they want, even if its bigoted.

So both of the shooters are from AZ

Allahu Akbar
So only the shooters died? Don't have much time to read the articles. Still, the people wanted people to get mad, and they did lol

Allahu Akbar
So only the shooters died? Don't have much time to read the articles. Still, the people wanted people to get mad, and they did lol
Yeah, one cop got shot but that's about it. Plus I'm pretty sure those people hired private security, so they knew something was going to happen.

america, forget yeah

This event has me disgusted. When the incident happened in paris people were all like "Oh no! How horrible, we must stand against radicalism. je suis Charlie". Now those same people are like "Well it was bad, but because this happened in an area that doesn't fit into my political leaning I think we should offend these radicals."

Give me break, either you support freedom of speech or you don't. The moment you put a stop to these political cartoons because you are afraid of offending some radicals, then the terrorists have already one. You knows terrorists, terror the word which means to instill fear.

The shooters were just simultaneously expressing their 1st and 2nd amendment rights.

Look at these animals in Pakistan holding a ceremony for the two gunmen who opened fire:

This is sickening and primitive.

Look at these animals in Pakistan holding a ceremony for the two gunmen who opened fire:

This is sickening and primitive.
caribou, we already know you are legitimately tribal. you can stop spewing stuff now.

caribou, we already know you are legitimately tribal. you can stop spewing stuff now.

What the hell are you talking about? Am I tribal for calling the 150 people in Pakistan animals for holding a ceremony for the two radical gunmen, rather than the victims?