Author Topic: Splatoon  (Read 164581 times)

if you are online please friend me so we can priv battle my NNID: Dinofloor

me, bestguy and wafflecake were doing squid parties and writing stuff with brushes
that was fun
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 09:24:03 PM by Mr Queeba »

the artist who got me into splatoon just did a drawing that isn't a sketch

I got commissioned to draw an inkling girl, with a charge rifle.

Man, I love inklings, but they’re a challenge to draw right. Reasonably pleased with how this turned out.

edit: here's the post if you want to like or reblog it:
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 07:01:24 PM by dargereldren »

Who's up for a squid party? I'm hosting a private battle right now with bestguy. Make sure to enter the steam group's chat if you wish to join in.
We may be in a game, so just enter the chat and say that you came and we will wait for you to join the game once the current match ends.
EDIT: We are doing squads now
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 07:18:07 PM by Mr Queeba »

Can anyone give me tips on how to get generally better? I don't use motion controls and play a lot of tactical shooters so will that slow me down any?

Can anyone give me tips on how to get generally better? I don't use motion controls and play a lot of tactical shooters so will that slow me down any?

step #1. disable motion controls

disable them harder
how to fix a computer if it doesn't work after rebooting it:
step 1. reboot it harder

why do people not like motion controls? they're great tbh