correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think you can patch a game to utilize a new version of directx, while also patching in a better lighting engine, new enemy placements across the entire game, multiplayer improvements, and much more.
yeah a lot of the game was massively improved
they replaced most enemy hordes with one or two mildly strong enemies
correct me if im wrong but enemies no longer attack faster than you can, except where it makes sense (player using an ultra greatsword and enemy using a dagger)
new content that i'd say is artorias of the abyss but longer
pay 50 dollars for a patch that wipes all your saves and splits the community in two by disallowing multiplayer between those two versions of the game.
its only 20 if you have ds2 and all the dlc, 30 if you have ds2 and no dlc (which is also the price of buying all the dlc), and is all around cheaper if you don't have dark souls 2.
a community split doesn't matter, you can still invade and summon random players. dark souls is not a game about playing with friends, it is a game about tackling the challenges thrown your way.