Author Topic: 10 year-old raped by stepfather, Paraguay congress rules out abortion  (Read 4161 times)

No, he meant South America, the real America, obviously.
Oh, he just should have just said lower class America.  :cookieMonster:

he didnt intend to say south america, rather the us
i think its pretty obvious
I don't think he would miss something as obvious as the title

I don't think he would miss something as obvious as the title
i dont think he believes in the whole south america is still america thing either

ahh yes the church of loveing and helping everyone


i dont think he believes in the whole south america is still america thing either
Didn't do my reasearch, did a check and i was wrong
I fixed it now

beside an organism that is not living yet.

yeah thats medically sound

Thats awful, she should be allowed to get the abortion.

The government isn't the one having the baby, it is the individual. Abortion cannot harm anyone, beside an organism that is not living yet.

Why is the congress handling this


Why is the congress handling this
You mean Paraguayan government?

Pretty heavy stuff to get raped that young, then get pregnant at a young age. I'd imagine an abortion would further complicate things mentally for her.
let's assume that having an abortion would actually make a ten year old feel worse (even though that's an age where few kids will really understand the concept of death, and probably wouldn't have any complaints about it outside of having to go to the doctor)

do you really think that's gonna be worse for her than being forced to give birth to something about the size of her torso, and then having to live the rest of their life either with or knowing that there is a child that was the result of someone she trusted raping her? not to mention the mental or physical issues the child will most likely have, if it (or the little girl, for that matter) survives?

And given the fact that the mother was arrested and it seems like the child has no legal guardian, and is so young, even if she and the baby do survive child birth I would imagine the baby would be taken away from the girl and given up for adoption.
Whether or not the young girl was ready for a child or would want it, that's a harsh thing to do to any mother at any age, to take their child away.
The long term effects of knowing you were raped, had a child, and it was taken away, all of it without your say at all, is going to be traumatic in some way for anyone who has to gro wup with all that.

Well you have the mental problems caused by the rape, you have the hard realization that you are now pregnant, at this age she might not even survive giving birth and nor is she fit to be mother at this age. An abortion might cause both physical and mental damage.

So, you're saying it's six of one, half a dozen of the other?

An abortion is likely to be significantly less dangerous than an underage birth, and there's going to be mental scarring whatever the outcome.

I personally would prefer to not have a child at age 10, or to have had a child and then have it taken away.
I would be happier to go back to being a child myself, if I can.

rape dosnt normally forget you up in the head. nor does anything.

its everyone you live with constantly telling you how broken you have become and how weak and sick you are that digs it's way in lol.

if you dont want a victim to suffer so much from being victimized, then quit treating them like a victim.