Author Topic: Thorfin25  (Read 15577 times)

yes, dooble, yes. everything is ok.

While it is understandable that some of you would be skeptical of this, allow me to step in and give some clarifying points, in his father's defense:
1 - If you have a difficult time believing that Thor is dead, simply check the facebook link his dad posted, which I've quoted above. HUNDREDS of people have posted to his wall, sharing memories and their condolences. If his wall is private, I will share and edit some images to protect the names of those who have posted there.
noedit - when I log out of my facebook I get a "content not available" screen. If anyone else can confirm this, I'll gather some further images from his profile and blur out whatever information I believe to be worth protecting. His facebook IS accessible through my facebook account, but I'm friends with him so perhaps his account is just blocked from the public.
2 - I've personally spoken to Shamus's dad over Skype while we were both on Blockland. The layout of Sham's house, he would game in the living room, which coincidentally was also where his dad watched TV. I would always comment about the show his dad would watch and sometimes about the things his dad would say, and rarely his dad would chat with Shamus and I on the call. My parents know what Blockland is, my closest friends know about Blockland, and I have no doubt in my mind that Shamus's father was well aware that his son spent thousands of hours on this game
3 - Give the funeral home thing a rest. You aren't required to have a memorial page for people, it's an option for people to pay their respects in the case that they couldn't make the funeral. Those of you trying to call or look it up are overstepping this whole "forum detective" thing, and are just being plain creepy.
4 - Quotes from the original commemoration topic, from Shamus and his Dad.-

I'm sorry to ask but how did he go?
100% not okay
this information is not going to help anyone, and if anything, it's going to hurt those that were closest to him. I'm speaking for myself, Glass, Furdle, Ravencroft, his gaming friends, personal friends, family and most importantly his father.

Stop asking how it happened. Knowing how someone took their life is not going to better you in any way. Asking why would be acceptable, as it would be meaningful to understand the hardships that Thor was going through and perhaps to sympathize a little more with him/his family/friends. The simple answer to that is stress and anxiety. The complex answer, nobody knows but Thor. Everyone saw him as happy, hard-working and slowly working towards being successful.

noedit - when I log out of my facebook I get a "content not available" screen.

i get this too. that's just fb for ya

I'll get to work on putting some screenshots together then. This is going to take me a little while, as my internet is slow and my laptop is on it's last legs. Gimme about 30 minutes and I should have a collection of posts from his wall. I'll see if I can find my own, though I'll probably have to dig pretty deep since I posted the day after.

Wait what if this was the biggest joke that they were doing and hes acting like his dad or mom was posting this?
Even how did he got into his email then?

Edit: Also grammar check on bloackland
Edit2: Wait on that second image of his post why in the world is his name blocked?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 09:07:08 PM by mario0126 »

Wait what if this was the biggest fool that they were doing and hes acting like his dad or mom was posting this?
Even how did he got into his email then?

did you take the right pills this morning

im gonna wait for the blf to determine it's verdict then act like that was my belief the whole time
cause idk if this is real or not. didn't know him though.

Wait what if this was the biggest fool that they were doing and hes acting like his dad or mom was posting this?
Even how did he got into his email then?

Edit: Also grammar check on bloackland
Edit2: Wait on that second image of his post why in the world is his name blocked?
your detective skills are on par with maxx



please, gather round, I'm only going to say this once


He stayed logged into his forum account. Just like I do. Just like a lot of people do. There's a checkbox on the login screen to stay logged in permanently. Thor had his own laptop, so he had no need to log out, ever. His dad wouldn't have to know a single password to access his forum account or his facebook, and his dad helped him with his laptop so that password would've been common knowledge between the two of them.

If you think this is some crazy clever scheme, I have no intent what-so-ever to stop you from thinking that. His facebook profile is apparently private to friends/family only, so I can't link you. I'm not going to give anyone enough details to actually find him or his family, because there are a good amount of creeps on this forum, and the last thing I want is someone messaging his dad something mean/disgusting/or silly questions.

Like I said before, I'm putting together images from his wall to validate this as much as I can.

100% not okay
this information is not going to help anyone, and if anything, it's going to hurt those that were closest to him. I'm speaking for myself, Glass, Furdle, Ravencroft, his gaming friends, personal friends, family and most importantly his father.

Stop asking how it happened. Knowing how someone took their life is not going to better you in any way. Asking why would be acceptable, as it would be meaningful to understand the hardships that Thor was going through and perhaps to sympathize a little more with him/his family/friends. The simple answer to that is stress and anxiety. The complex answer, nobody knows but Thor. Everyone saw him as happy, hard-working and slowly working towards being successful.
I'd just like to say, I don't think Landmineman was aware that Thorfin took his own life.
I scoured the earlier topic and he never posted in it, so I've no way to know that he had seen the topic.
Prior to him asking no one had mentioned how Thorfin died, so I would give Landmineman the benefit of the doubt and assume he was just asking if it was an accident, or an illness, rather than the specific details.

I may be wrong though, and if Landmineman was digging directly into it knowing how Thorfin died, then yes, shame on him.

First image the name is highlighted with blue and text written over it. The second image the name is only highlighted with blue. (Something is really telling me this is a big troll)

Also why in the second image the profile photo is different person???

I edited the image to conceal their names because that's private information, and the BLF is full of creeps, like I've said 3 times now. His dad tried to share his facebook, but it appears private to the public, so I'm going to confirm it myself with images directly taken from his facebook.

I'm going to blank out those names too, because I don't want any of you looking these people up. Because that's weird, and you're already trying to look up his funeral home.

Please stop posting Mario, you're making yourself look foolish. Wait for 10 minutes and I will have a plethora of posts from his facebook wall.

In the meantime, I've found a St. Jude gift fund in Thor's honor, link is here
(I have a picture of a family member posting the link to his wall, that will be included with the other images later once I can edit out all names and upload the images to imgur.)

First image the name is highlighted with blue and text written over it. The second image the name is only highlighted with blue. (Something is really telling me this is a big troll)

Also why in the second image the profile photo is different person???
If you have the BASIC ABILITY TO READ, the person on the left is Thorfin, and the person on the right is his father. You imbecile.

If you have the BASIC ABILITY TO READ, the person on the left is Thorfin, and the person on the right is his father. You imbecile.

Explain to me why in the second image the father say "I". If it was the father who killed him own self then thorfin is still alive.