
Which one?

Bedroom CTF (75% done)
Space Prisoner Escape (0% done)
Cops vs Druggies (5% done)

Author Topic: I currently have a few ideas for a server. Vote for one  (Read 984 times)

I have a few ideas and servers in development, but as of now I can only come down to one option for a server, but I'm letting the community vote so I know what they would want to see

1. Bedroom CTF
A very high paced gamemode that takes place in Wrapperup's Static Bedroom, you are in a desert like enviroment with tunnels and hills, you have to gather the other teams flag as many times as you can to win. The build utilizes the entire Bedroom to keep a "I'm a legoman" theme.
Development: 75% - Gamemode is set to go, build needs a few tweaks and whatnot.

2. Prison Escape in Space
The year is 2035 and the government has found new ways to deal with prisoners, you are on board a ergonomic space station that a prison transfer ship is currently docked to the ship. You and your fellow prisoners must overcome the gaurds that are on the ship, the gaurds must take out any prisoner that attempts to escape, but the prisoners must find the airlock and steal the ship to escape.
0% Development, currently just an idea.
3. Cops vs Druggies
You and your fellow druggy friends were tricked at a drug deal, the dealer was actually a cop and you must run for your escape van that is located a few blocks away. Police officers must stop you and are spawned ahead of you, but you get the advantage of hiding in certain buildings and shortcuts. You must find these shortcuts and escape to your van. If you are caught or killed along with your team members, you lose and the drug deal is lost.
5% Development, a few of the map designed, nothing really done.

3. Cops vs Druggies
You and your fellow druggy friends were tricked at a drug deal, the dealer was actually a cop and you must run for your escape van that is located a few blocks away. Police officers must stop you and are spawned ahead of you, but you get the advantage of hiding in certain buildings and shortcuts. You must find these shortcuts and escape to your van. If you are caught or killed along with your team members, you lose and the drug deal is lost.
5% Development, a few of the map designed, nothing really done.

I think you're getting confused with what the police actually do. In most cases they're trying to go after the supplier of the drug, they're not trying to bust random drug users on the street, I don't think police would kill someone for buying a drug.
Perhaps rename the suggestion to "Cops stakeout"? Where the cops have to try and take down the drug king-pin and his associates?

My vote is for prison escape in space. They're pretty rare and if done right can be fun.

I think you're getting confused with what the police actually do. In most cases they're trying to go after the supplier of the drug, they're not trying to bust random drug users on the street, I don't think police would kill someone for buying a drug.
Perhaps rename the suggestion to "Cops stakeout"? Where the cops have to try and take down the drug king-pin and his associates?

My vote is for prison escape in space. They're pretty rare and if done right can be fun.
forgot to add, the druggies are actually trafficking the drug so technically they could be killed for it

1. what kind of weapons are in the bedroom CTF

2. i'm not a fan of jail escapes in general because there is always the freekills and you have to be constantly on the server and all that

but if the space jail escape is done right, than damn it'll hopefully be great
i like that it's a SPACE jail escape rather than a regular jail escape

3. cops vs druggies seems short and sweet (which isn't a bad thing)
it sounds interesting enough

lmao can you not call them druggies?  you sound like a conservative parent from the 1950's

forgot to add, the druggies are actually trafficking the drug so technically they could be killed for it
The most un-reliable person to traffic drugs is an addict, and no, they still wont kill you for it. Maybe in Bali but definitely not in America/England.
Also read http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/drug-trafficking/

I'd love to see what 2 would look like. All we need is some sane guards that don't rdm on sight.

I'd love to see what 2 would look like. All we need is some sane guards that don't rdm on sight.
The only problem I would have with doing a jail escape is that it would take really long to build
I'm on crunched time this summer and the jail escape might take too long and it'll end up being fully completed by Fall.
I'll see how the vote pans out and if I don't have enough time for the Jail Escape I'll most likely end up on "Druggies VS Cops" because its on a set track, and the build will take less time due to the set track of only building a few blocks of pedestrian town

None of them seem that original to me, maybe develop features that make them more unique?