Author Topic: Another loving Drama  (Read 7213 times)

-image snip-
That's not white-knighting, he has a valid point.
Rather than attempt to help the OP to understand his err, everyone Planr quoted attacked him and insulted him.

Pointing out that people are being richards, as crazy as this sounds, doesn't make you a hero.

jesus christ luigi are you straight up looking for a fight now

I just joined his server to build and said, "Hi. I'm from the forums."
He started ranting

"Please go away, you're in the way of my build"

Well the arrogance explains a lot.

Sorry for the triple post, but this just proves how full this guy is of himself. He ended up perma banning me for ignoring him and building (Mind you, it was a freebuild)

I think it's safe to say that he's not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is; it's a typical case of a young person having recently learned about major issues in the world and them thinking that they have all the answers whilst refusing to consider anything other than their opinion due to extreme confirmation bias. In at most a few years it should wear off once he's matured and he realizes that the more you know, the more you know that you don't know. For every answer to a question comes 10 more questions in its place.

you misspelled misspelled
misspelt is past tense, so is misspelled.

the roblox forums treat people better, we are all bullies

I like it how he half-assed referencing Self Delete and just ended up saying "5 Self Delete attempts"


"the forums is corrupted. like the rest of the world."

are we the personification of the world