Author Topic: Have you ever met a Blockland user with an ID similar to yours?  (Read 1818 times)

I've met the guy with a BL_ID 1 above me twice, (He's 38825) and I believe his name is 'Giga Happytown'

My ID is hella cool dude 48882

-corvette- has like 19847 or something like that

Nidos's id is close to mine

mine is 29454

his is 29473

I met yuki (260) and vertical horizon (258)

speedblade has 3080 and i see him every now and then

I met someone with '1394#' before

Mine is 807.
Bushido's is 708.

trogtor is extremely close to mine

MARBLE MAN's blid was 10103
mine is 10104
yea that was a pretty wonky thing to find out
oh well

I met 10542 while on my 10541 account. To this account, I saw 50960.

and i won't for a very long time since everyone 100k+ usually just stops playing after an hour

I've met 11995 way back in the day, but I never once encountered 11993

Badger and LizzyRascal