Author Topic: How popular was this game in its heyday?  (Read 10972 times)

I was thinking about the remnant community that still posts here, and I was hit with a thought:

If this game has gone through its life cycle, yet stuff in it remains unfinished and broken from what this board's threads tell me, how popular was this game when it was still vibrant?

Has it always been a niche sort of thing? Iirc, this game was advertised above blockland for a while; when did blockland overtake it? How long have the AoT forums been a subset of the Blockland forums? Have there ever been any successful clans in the game's history?

I dont know, this is something I would like to know too.

I know that for a while you had to download blockland from the age of time website.
But that just could be Badspot not being able to afford another domain.

Then he made blockland something you would pay for and everything was better.

It wasn't too popular, but I can imagine it had a decent amount of players in it's prime

given that there's a single server with a capacity of only 30 players, i doubt it was THAT popular

Back in 2006 after the last major update you could expect to see the server full during after school hours in the US. Otherwise there was a consistent 10-15 people online usually.

Back in 2006 after the last major update you could expect to see the server full during after school hours in the US. Otherwise there was a consistent 10-15 people online usually.
This. Can remember when there were still some people playing in 2009, then it became abandoned.